2: getting settled and daddy leaving?

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Tomorrow is the day I'm leaving for the X factor. But today we're going to set up Lia's room. We brought up everything to the guest bedroom which was going to be Lia's room. I dipped a brush into the brown paint and painted an outline. Then I had another type of brown,a darker kind and painted that into plant branches and roots. Then I painted the green on the dark brown for leaves and greens. Next I painted pink on the other colors and waited it to dry. When it was done my Mum and I set up the furniture then the girls came in to decorate. Safaá put the toys,books,and decoration stuff where it looked good. Waylia put down the carpet and put the clothes away. Donia added a couple things to it and then it was finished. It looked amazing. We all highfived each other then cleaned up for dinner.

Mum was feeding Lia some carrots and apple sauce for dinner and I watched everything. Then Donia changed her diaper and Safaá put her in a cute bunny footy pajamas and her hair in two little ponytails. Waylia bathed her and I put Lia to bed. I got to sleep because of my audition.

It was four in the morning when I woke up. I was not very happy. Everyone got dressed and Lia was asleep in her car seat. Mum drove to the building and when we got there,I had butterflies. What if I'm bad? What if I screw up? I shook those thoughts away and when it was my turn,I went up there. I sang a little bit of Let Me Love You by Mario and I got three yes's!! I was going on tv!!

We were so happy that Zayn won his audition but sad because he hasn't really known Lia. The girls and I were going to be the best aunts and grandmother we could be!!

The next month:
Zayn is now in a band for the show called One Direction. There are four other boys in the band with Zayn. They're doing so good. The shows final is tonight and One Direction is in the finals. Wait they're on now!!
One Direction lost but my baby is here for Christmas!!

Sorry such a suck balls chapter but I tried!! I'll update really soon!!

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