Chapter 3: Leprachaun Land

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Leprachaun land is a lot of fun but you have to be careful because those leprachauns are very sneaky and I will tell you why in this chapter.

I woke up and I was on some grass. I looked around and all I saw was grass but there was a really big rainbow going over my head. I was very confused just like always. I then decided to follow the rainbow. After a while of following the rainbow I finally got to the end of it. There was a lot of small pots of gold. I took a gold coin and then a leprachaun popped out of the pot. All of a sudden leprachauns started to pop out of all the pots. I was startled but I saw this one little leprachaun coming towards me. I realized that it was the same leprachaun that had appeared in my room dancing and told me about the ring. He said hello to me and I said hello back. I quickly asked him where I was and what was I doing here. He answered that this is leprachaun land where all the gold in the world is and where all the leprachauns live. We walked a little more because he was really constopated about how i got here. He finally said that it must have been the ring. That it was the only logical reason but he said that he didnt know why it brought me to leprachaun land. We walked around a little bit more. Then he started to tell me more about leprachaun land and its history and more information about it like the gold vault and leprachaun city. He finished talking to me and left me at leprachaun city and told me that if I needed him, I could call him through the ring. I wandered around and started to explore leprachaun city. I saw all kinds of leprachauns everywhere. There was small leprachauns, big leprachauns, tall leprachauns, short leprachauns, and colorful leprachauns. It was just fascinating. There was also beer pubs and little bathrooms and little restaurants. It was a "little" hard for me to really fit in with leprachaun city. Mostly because everything was too small for me. I decided to go into a little restaurant because I was hungry and it turns out leprachauns use American dollars and everything is cheap there. Also they eat the same things as us. Except some of them eat something else. I ordered a bacon cheeseburger and some cheese fries with a drink. After I ate my delicious food I went to the bathroom. It was chaotic in there. There was leprachauns running everywhere and they were screaming so I just did my buisness and left. I started to walk around again and then I saw a gift shop, so I decided to go in and take a look around to see if there was anything I liked. There was all kinds of things. There was chocolate, more rings like mine but they were fake because they were missing the gold part and the green part didn't glow. There was also 4 leaf clovers, mini leprachaun hats, canes, gold pieces, and more. The best part about it was that everything was cheap. It was like 100 gold pieces for $1, 5 rings for $1, and the canes and hats and chocolate all came in a pack for $5. Oh and i almost forgot, the clovers were 10 for 50 cents.I obviously bought one of everything. I bought one of the leprachaun packs with the hat, the cane, and chocolates. I also bought 100 gold pieces and I bought 5 rings and 10 4 leaf clovers. The total price was $7.50 and I was pretty surprised but at the same time I was really happy I got such a good deal. I left the shop and and I got really bored. I walked around a little bit more and I saw a group of leprachauns. I walked up to them and they were fighting. A skinny leprachaun and a tall and mean looking leprachaun were fighting. The mean looking one punched the skinny one and the skinny one fell to the ground. Then the mean looking one walked away and the fight was over. All the leprachauns left and I followed the mean looking leprachaun. P.S. I should have went the other way. I asked the tall mean looking leprachaun why he was fighting the skinny one and he said because the skinny one had stole his girl. I chuckled silently so he wouldn't hear me. We talked a little bit more before he noticed the rings in my bag. He asked if he could see them and I said sure. I took the rings out and the leprachaun looked at them in awe. He then went for the jump and took one of them and he ran away. It turns out he took the magical ring so I was really scared I was going to lose it. He was yelling as he ran and then I lost him. I started to run after him. I saw him take a sharp right turn so I took a left turn to corner him around the block. I caught up to him and he saw me so he ran away the other way. I started to run after him after again into the busy streets. I lost him again because of how small he was even though he was tall. I looked for him and I saw him run into a pub. I ran into the pub after him. There was all kinds of chaos in the pub and out of the corner of my eye I saw him leave the pub. I ran out of the pub and I saw the leprachaun got stuck in some tar. I ran up to the leprachaun and I saw his teeth were out. I backed up and he hissed at me and I jumped back even more. I went for it and I switched out the ring for one of the fake ones. Once I got the real one back I decided to use one of my wishes on a leprachaun killer because you know who wouldn't want one. I took out the leprachaun killer and I decided to put the leprachaun out of its misery. Bam! Green goo squirted everywhere and the leprachaun was dead. I decided to take the ring even though it was a fake one and that it was covered in goo. I went into a bathroom to clean myself and the ring off. After I got out of the bathroom I was really tired so I decided to call the leprachaun who had gave me the ring. It took a while for him to get here but when he did I got right to the point. I told him that I wanted to go home and he did his little bippity boppity boo thing and he sent me home. I woke up in my bed and I was really confused about leprachaun land. I was wondering if it had all been a dream or if I had actually physically been there but it was really tired so it couldn't have been a dream or could it have. I didn't care though because I just wanted to go back to sleep and I did as I said. I went to sle... zzzzzzzzzz.

I hoped you liked the chapter and  as you can see I didn't update the story in a long time so here it is for your enjoyment. Please vote and comment if you liked it. You can also see that my character fell asleep during the story because he was tired and I am telling you this just in case any of you were confused. This chapter took a long time to write and a lot of thought went into it because I kind of had a brain fart about what to write next. This chapter is the longest chapter I have written. I don't know if I will make more long chapters but I will just see what I come up with. This chapter had 1368 words.

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