Untitled Part 1

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After the break up with Kylie, I know Devin's devastated and really down on his luck. So I went out to get him something. I went to a pet store cause animals always cheer people up.

"Hey welcome sir."

"Hey, do you have anything cool?"

"I think I have something." They walk to the back and I went to the  puppies. They all swarm the side I was on and I picked up a tiny cute one. It was light brown with patches of dark brown.

"Hi there you little cutie. I think I'll just get you for myself."

"Sir if you'll follow me." I followed the person to the back, still holding my pup.

"You have a person........in a cage. Just because someone calls something an animal doesn't make it one."

"He's a Neko."

"What's that?" The woman takes off the guy's beanie and he hissed at her, trying to get it back.

"Oh." He had fuzzy black ears sticking up from his long black hair.

"Yeah. He's got me worried. He won't eat."  They hold some food near his cage but he knocked it out of their hand.

"This is what he wants."  I took the beanie and held it out for him. He grabs it and stares at me. His eyes are really pretty.

"I'll take him. And this."

Alright." The person smiles and hooked a leash to the boy before walking to the front. I paid for both and walked out. The person rushes out to my car.

"I almost forgot. His name is Ricky."

I nodded and then drove to my house. Everyone but Devin was there. Even Ange was there even though he's not really in the band anymore. We're still friends.

"You got a puppy!" Ryan jumps up and I let them play with it. It was just a little ball of energy. So was the puppy.

"How's he doing?" I asked Ange.

"How you think?"

"I got him something, but I'm not sure what he'll think of it."

"What is it?" I waved him out to my car and Ricky was still sitting there looking terrified, his black tail across his lap.

"Aww it's a Neko!" Ricky jumps and is visibly shaking.

"Hey we're not gonna hurt you Ricky." I slowly approached him and he hugs my waist; which caught me off guard. I hear Ange walk up next to me.

"I'm gonna go get Devin k?"

"Yeah go get him." I picked up Ricky and carried him inside. Everyone was still playing with my dog when I walked in. Ryan looks up and I shit you not he actually squeals, like a little girl.


"Where'd Angelo go?"

"To get Devin."

"Good luck with that."

Devin actually did come and he and Ricky instantly hit it off, like best friends now. It's funny to think 5 seconds ago he didn't know him. Everyone left the two alone, happy Devin wasn't moping anymore

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