Lea Toretto

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Hours had gone by. The doctor had come in and checked Letty and the growth of the baby. She was still lying on top of Dom, his arms  wrapped tightly and protectively around her waist, rocking her back and forth making sure she was doing good.
"Letty, your fluidity is at a good stage now but I'm am afraid that it will decrease once we've taken you off the IV. I am going to induce you today and then monitor the baby once it's born. You have nothing to worry about, your baby is going to be very healthy"

The doctor wanted to try giving Letty prostaglandins which is typically medication to get her dilated.
"It is going to be slightly uncomfortable" the doctor told Letty before continuing with the procedure. Once it was done with all that was left was to just wait till the baby's born.
Dom thought that it was a perfectly good opportunity to discuss some baby names with Letty.

"I know it's going to be a girl"
"It could be a boy Dom"
"I like the name Lea or Emily"
"And if it's a boy we're naming him after your dad"
"I think we have made a decision"

Letty's contractions were getting stronger by the hour. She was about 5-6 centimetres dilated. Dom never left her side. He was extremely supportive helping with her breathing and coaching her with every contraction. Dom even massaged her back and neck to help soothe all her tense muscles so she felt comfortable.

"Dom are we even ready to have this baby"
"Letty what are you talking about?"
"I mean we don't have a crib or a nursery, bottles and stuff like that".
"We have each other that's what's real, we'll figure it out we always do"
Letty smiled listening to his words. She had said the exact same thing a year ago.
"All you have to do now is just focus on the baby" he said before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Alright Letty I need you to turn on your back and I need you to push" the doctor said.
"I can't. Please can I have a few more minutes"
"We need to deliver this baby now"
Letty didn't budge. She didn't want to do this. She was tired and scared.

The doctor told Dom that Letty can't go on like this any longer and that she needs a C-section.
Dom walked over to Letty and held her hand.
"Letty, babe. I know you're in a lot of pain but I also need you to listen to me. You are Letty Toretto, you never hide from a fight, you never give up. I know you are very scared but this...this we can do together. I'm going to be with you every step of the way and I'm not going to let you go" he said stroking her hair and kissing her forehead.

She was ready! She had Dom. That was all she needed. He helped her up and got behind her, so that her back was against his front, she gripped both his hands and she was ready.
"Let's have this baby" he whispered into her ear.
"Okay Letty you can give a push now"

She pushed with all her might, gripping Dom's hands. She rested on Dom while he whispered words of encouragemet to her.
"I can't do this anymore, I'm so tired" Letty said through panted breath.
"Yes you can. You're doing so good just a little more and you'll be done" Dom told her.

After a couple of pushes and a load of tears Letty delivered a very beautiful and healthy 7 pound baby girl. They placed the baby on her chest and Dom got to cut the cord.

Doctors monitored her and told the proud parents she was doing just fine and that she had no problems at all.
"Lea Carolynn Toretto, my little baby girl" Dom said as he carried her, kissing her little forehead and nose and then placing her on his chest playing with her little fingers.

Dom gave Lea to Letty for her feeding.
"You did great Letty" he said placing a kiss on her lips.
"I love you Dom"
"I love you more Letty"

Letty was really tired so she hit the hay early. Dom held his sleeping daughter in his arms, admiring her and then slowly he too fell asleep.

One more chapter and then this fanfic is a wrap. Hope you liked this part. Don't forget to comment and vote.

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