Chapter 2 ~ I Can't. . .

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I woke up in a cold sweat. My eyes shot open. Pain is all over my body. My eyes won't focus. I start to hyperventilate. Where am I? Last thing I remember is the tornado pulling at me. My heart beats faster. I looked down and saw I.V's in my arm.

V's in my arm

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"Help."I tried to scream but it only came out as a whisper. I looked around frantically. The 'call nurse' button was to my left. I pressed it hard. Then I heard footsteps rushing into my room. By then I had ripped out my I.V's and was starting to crawl, since my legs gave out. The nurse looked at me and smiled.

"Welcome back Carter!" She said with a snotty smirk. She helped me up and set me on my bed. I opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off.

"Do you remember anything." She blurted.

"Yes, I was in a tornado." She checked something off on her clipboard. "How long was I out?" I ask

"Seven weeks." My eyes bulge. I was sleeping for seven weeks? No that can't be.

A boy about my age comes running in with a big grin on his face. He comes up to me.

"You're awake!" He says. I nod confused.

"Is she going to be okay?"The boy asks the nurse.

"I don't know yet. Just let me do my job."She takes my temperature and my blood pressure. She does a bunch of exams and then looks at the boy. "She'll be fine." She walks out of the room. He sits down next to me.

"Carter do you remember what happened?" He asks.

"Yes, but I don't remember you." I say.

"Carter I'm your neighbor, Ben. I saved you." I scoffed

"I'm pretty sure if you saved me, I wouldn't have been in a coma for 7 weeks!" He looks away. "And I don't remember you being my neighbor. Can you just call my parents."

"Please you have to remember Carter. Just think harder. Please." He grabs my hand. I yank it away.

"No! I . . . Can't remember! It hurts to much. I . . ." I start to hyperventilate. The machine next to me starts beeping faster. "Whats going on?" My voice heavy. My vision goes black and blurry. A different nurse comes in and she grabs my hand.

"Breath." She tells me. I take a deep breath and the beeping slows down to a steady beat. "Good job. Now calm down. And as for you," She looks at Ben "I would suggest if you leave." He nods and gets up and leaves. "Are you alright?" She asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you call my parents?"

"We already did, they are on there way. Is there anything you need?" I shake my head.

A couple of minutes later my mom comes running in. My dad isn't here because he is in the army so right now he is in Nigeria. She hugs me and we catch up. Tomorrow I am going home. Becka survived, thank the lord! But many others didn't. The school had minor injuries, and they already fixed that. I close my weary eyes and sleep.


I sit in my room with my headphones in. I love my room. Its so cozy and its really my favorite place in my whole house.

It's September 22 and I have to go to school tomorrow

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It's September 22 and I have to go to school tomorrow. I really hope I don't run into Ben. I hope I didn't just jinx myself. I probably did. I decide to go outside and sit in the sand. The beach is right in my backyard. There's a section that is private and then the rest is public. I sit down on the sand and pop my headphones. Ever since the tornado I just have been feeling more anxious about everything. I don't like talking to people anymore.

I feel a hand on my back. I turn around to see Ben. He smiles and sits down next to me. We don't say anything for awhile.

"I was at school when a tornado hit. I ran out of my class and made my way through the crowded hallways. I got down next to two girls. The girl next to me, the wind was pulling at her. So I put my arm around her. I heard preshrinking screams. Her head flew forward and hit the locker. Her grip loosened and I knew that she had passed out. Her head was bleeding so I took off my jacket and ripped a piece of it off and put it on her wound. I applied pressure and that stopped the bleeding. When the tornado was over everyone got up either crying or screaming. It seemed like everyone's eardrums had popped. Except that girl was still passed out. I ran out of the crumbled building with the girl in my arms. The rescue crew and the ambulance had come by then and were helping people. I took her to some nurses and they checked the wound. She said that I saved her life practically. If I hadn't applied pressure she would have bled to death. They took her to the hospital. Becka came up to me and thanked me for saving the girl. I asked her what the girl's name was, and she said the girl's name was..."

"Carter." I finished for him. He nodded. "You saved me. Why would you save me? Why did you save me out of all of the other people that were dying?"

"Because you seemed like you needed saving. You seemed like the only girl in that hallway that deserved being saved. You were the only one who had a clean slate. I had never talked to you."

"I...don't know what to say. Thank- you."

"It's a pleasure. I'd do it again if you were ever in trouble." I looked at him. He was very handsome. He had dark hair and beautiful brown eyes. The kind that make you melt. He looks back at me and there's a spark in his eyes. He leans forward and so do I. But then it alerts me. I had only met this guy. I should not be even thinking about kissing him. He leans closer. I pull my head back.

"I should get going." I say. He nods. I get up. "Thanks for saving my life." I say sarcastically.

"No problem. See you tomorrow." I nodded.

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