Chapter 7 ~ You put the stars in the sky

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"I should be going." Aiden says. I nod my head.

"Okay, see ya." He kisses my cheek and walks away. Ben walks up to me.

"So that's your boyfriend?" Ben asks.

"No were just friends." I say.

"Really? Just friends that kiss?" He snaps.

"Why do you care anyway?" He scoffs and walks up to me and I look down. He lifts up my chin.

"Because I said I would wait for you. I thought you would too. I thought you really liked me." Oh my god doesn't he understand that I like Aiden not him.

"Maybe I don't!" I finally snap. He goes quiet for a second.


"What?" Ben asks.

"Ben my dad just died. Do you really think you are my first priority right now?! I don't have a dad anymore. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to act. Do I ignore people. Do I act overly happy. What happens? Wh-What do I do? Do I talk about him openly? Do I close him up and hide him away? I don't know what to do Ben!! I don't know what to do!" I collapse and Ben hugs me.

"Shhh, it's all going to turn out okay. I'm right here. Shhh." He whispers in my ear. I calm down a little and pull away and just stand there.

"Carter! Lets go!" Jaylee yells.

"Well I have to go." I point to Jaylee.

"No, I can give you a ride."

"Ben! No! I don't need you to give me a pity ride. Just stop!" I snap.

"Whatever." I walk away from him and get in the car.


It's currently 9:28pm and I'm sitting at the end of the dock. I changed out of my dress into a cream knit sweater with light blue jeans.

 I changed out of my dress into a cream knit sweater with light blue jeans

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I look up at the stars. The vast, seemingly empty, space was filled with glittering, diamond-like stars. I had never noticed how lovely the night sky was. Each twinkling star seemed to be in it's proper place, filling empty spaces. Shadowy, ribbon-like clouds were flowing around the full moon. "Even the moon is beautiful." I whispered. Each crater on it's bright face was visible. The moon, the stars, the streaming clouds, everything glowed with it's own ominous light. Everything was perfect. Someone sits next to me. I know its Ben because of his smell.

 I know its Ben because of his smell

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"I don't know how to feel." I finally say. We watch the stars. After a few minutes he points to the stars.

"Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy." He says.

"You make that up pretty boy?" I ask and he laughs.

"No. Its from the Eskimo Proverb." We lay down and watch the stars. The stars are beautiful.

"You know, I'm friends with Aiden," Ben leads.


"He talks about you as if you put the stars in the sky." I stop breathing for a second and look at him. "Carter I'm really happy for you, I want you to know that. But I'm not gonna give up on you! I will always choose you." He leans close and so do I. And when there is no more space in between us anymore I melt. We kiss for awhile. I flash back to the time when my mom got into a car accident and lost her leg. That night I had my first kiss with a guy named Preston. It was short but magical. That was 2 years ago. That was a hard year.

 That was a hard year

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I pull away gasping. I get up and shake my head.

"Damn it I think I'm falling for you."I say putting my hand through my hair. Shit. Ben stands up and walks toward me.

"Let me in! Let me love you please!" His words tingle in me and my knees become jelly. It starts to rain."I love you Carter! And I want to love you so would you just let me?!" I walk towards him and we crash our lips against each others, and time gets up and leaves. The stars dance around us in the most beautiful way. And we kiss. With the rain falling, time leaving, stars dancing, we kiss.

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