Is that you?

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I was near the guild when I heard that everything was being crushed, in that momento I ran as fast as I could in to the guild, then I saw them, the other guild that we have debt to pay -This is great! My wish come true, I will finally have some fun, when I arrive my favorite toys are here, I'm a very lucky girl!- I said with a little anger but also with a lot of fun in my voice, the seven people that were crashing​ everything froze in an instant......this is gonna be fun.

I was really excited to kick their ass, but that was only half of my happiness cause the other half was happy that my guild was supporting me, they always hate that people, I wasn't sure how to begin some kick maybe, some air or, now at these days I had improve a lot my magic, I'm not the same (Y/n) as seven years ago, now I'm stronger, I have improve also in my moves I'm more agile than a cat or even a normal DragonSlayer -Hehehe...come on, you know that it's a joke right boys?- he was nervous, he already knew that if he hurt my friends, then he was going to the hospital in no time, he had experience with that, just a week ago he was in the hospital -oh really? then let the fight begin!!!- then I attacked the 7 of them, they were on the floor later, so I picked them up and take them out as if they were trash...well​ they were trash after all -Hey! where are the others? did they leave the guild?- my voice was broken, even if I don't want it, my voice broke down a bit, the other guild members were leaving one by one after everyone disappear, one day I was so frustrated that I ran into the forest to take out everything that was in me, at some point romeo was shouting to me and when I notice....everything was crashed, there was a hole in the middle of the forest, so I took some water and turn it into a beautiful lake -oh! Don't worry, they're in a mission that I assign them to go- I was surprised -A mission? You assigned? woah! that's new- I said, Macao was a good master, but.....-I asked them as a favour, so yeah! I have to reward them later- He was a good father, but only that, as a Master...he sucks-Ok, then I'm gonna take a mission too- I take a mission from the board, it was the same old lady that asked for our help 7 years ago -I'm going to pick this one!- I said while I search for a little ball -Is Blacky still upstairs?- everyone in the guild gave a huge sigh and then nodded -Thanks!- I said with a smile, I ran upstairs and then wake him up -Blacky! Wake up! We have a mission to go!!- I try to shake him delicately, I knew he have developed his magic too, also he could transform​ into a really BIG cat -mh.....5 minutes more (Y/n)- he was a little ball, so I took him in my arms and then took him, I still can't believe how much have we grown up, it was incredible.

Natsu P.O.V

-What......happen?- I was feeling dizzy, I was injured and also confused, the last thing that I remember...was that we were fighting against Acnologia and the....everything went black, black and cold -Natsu!!! You're up- Jet and Droy landed on me....God! Droy had gained some weight....well a lot you know where is everybody?- they asked me, there was everybody, except for (Y/n) and Romeo, I was worried, what the hell was going on? -Don't worry everyone else is here- a kind of....fairy? said, we followed her and we found everyone else, we were so confused and with a lot of questions -you have done one of the 3 laws of Fairy Tail, the worst part is that.......tha law stole 7 years of your life, it's horrible, but that's not gonna stop you right?....then good luck!- after that she disappeared, well at least she solved some of my questions, the only one that was still in my head was....what happened to (Y/n) in these 7 years?

(Y/n) P.O.V

-Blacky! Is right here!- I shouted to my exceed -Oh! (Y/n) we're here!- I was very lucky that Blacky was still here with me, it was really difficult to be happy around people that is always depressed, but...I... it's my mission to have a smile for the ones that can't have one in their lips -Yeah, well what's the mission about?- i asked him, then I felt how a little ball landed on my head -What?! you don't know what the mission is about?!?- Blacky shout -Hehehe to tell you the true....I don't know, I only picked it cause it was the old lady's house, the one that I had a mission with Natsu-nii, that's the only reason I choose it- I was a little depressed now, but also I was happy cause it was a really good memory-Well, I'm not going to do anything to you cause the mission you did was Natsu's too, but remember that you, Bisca, romeo and Al are the ones that provide everything to the guild...- it was true, we can't leave them now, the Great Magic Games were close -Ok, I'm all fired up- I laughed, after all this was the favorite phrase of Natsu-nii. finally we were infront of the old lady's house and then the same old lady open the door -Oh! you're the girl of that time, you were with that pink haired boy right?- -Yes! I am, do you still remember me?- she smiled and said -Of course my darling, that's the reason I send the request to Fairy Tail, even I heard those whispers, I still believe in you, I, I feel that you're going to raise again, anyway, your mission is to catch all the mice that are in the attic- she was still so sweet as last time I was here with Natsu-nii -You said mice?!?- I look at Blcaky and his eyes were shinning -Black caml down!- his ears went down -Sorry, but you know that those are my favorites- he was now a little upset, I give him a little pat in the head -Well oba-chan*, I think that my little cat will solve the problem- I said looking to my exceed -Then, come in, I prepared some tea- that old woman was going to go to heaven with everything, even her socks.

As black was chasing all that little problems, I was helping with other things in the house, we stayed for another wek with that old lady for free! that was awesome and so confortable, she was so kind to us, I feel as she was my own grandmother -So, this is a goodbye oba-chan!- I shout and waved at her -Goodbye, and I hope that you find your destiny, I know that something will happen!- I stop and turned to her, I make a reverence and said -Thank you so much!- after that I ran to the train station and go up into a train to Magnolia Home sweet home .

-Ah! We are finally home, we have to go and see tha the other guidl didn't detroy ours- That's right! we have to go fast, the time pass so fast when some one have fun -ok, ok, but what about we make some kind of race?- Blacky only nod with exciment -Ready?...set...- that smell.....could it be?....-hey1 you didn't say go! at the last part- My body was running as fast as it could, I knew that scente, well there were more, it was Natsu-nii, Gray-nii, Juvia-nee, Lucy-nee, Lavy-nee..... everyone.....everyone's scent was there in the guild, I rushed to the guild doors as Blacky was in my back, when we were in the doors he already smelled the scents, I opened the doors and......

Natsu P.O.V (I'm a bad writer >:3 )

We were at the guild....well almost, but we were outside when we listened that there was a big fight inseide the guild, I opened the doors with a kick and as I guessed I kicked the butt of a guy -tadaima*- and then there was standing with big eyes romeo....wat...ROMEO?, god! he was a young man, but then I searched for her and there was no sign of her (Y/n)...where is she? That week in the boat give enough time to imagine how was everyone, I was impatient -Natsu-nii, Lucy-nee....okaeri*- and then we started to celebrate, at first we were happy, but then I sensed something powerful, her scent, it was her....(Y/n), and then the doors open in a suddenly hurry, she was there standing....she was so...beautiful.

A/N: Hey! everyone, well here is the other part of the story, let me explain something....

I know that I upload my story every 1000000 months, but it's not because I don't want to is because it's difficult to me to translate it, and someone in the comments said "why don't you use a translator?" well it's simple, I want you to feel the same way as I write the story, I know it's ridiculous, but anyway, it's my story, yeah, you're the readers, and I LOOOOVE you so much, but seriously, don't bother me with that kind of stuff if you get angry, well sorry, I know I'm not a responsible writer, but I really love the comments when you said that it's awesome or incredible, also when you said "Update" I feel really happy, and sorry again that I don't update as fast as I want, but i really want to make you feel part of the story and if I use a translator.....well I would feel as if a robot is telling you the story....not me

*Oba-.chan= old lady/ grandmother

*tadaima= I've returned

*okaeri= welcome

Have a nice Day ;)  

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