Just a game right?

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I just noticed that the first 'hotcakes' were ready, so I decided to put them in a plate and came closer from behind, Natsu also has half of the glass empty, I touch his arm and he turn around to see I handed him the plate of hotcakes, my plan was going well, cause when I saw the corner of his lips, I noticed that he had some milk left behind '......Perfect!', I go closer to his lis and then I lick him, he jus tensed up by my action 'Yes! Mission acomplished!' I though -I think we are in the same boat, right? Natsu?- he was shocked, just like that, so at the time I started laughing for his face, it ws hilarous, but then his expressions were changing and in a moment he was smilling again, but something in his eyes changed, from a sweet sight now it was....hot, literally 'oh....crap!' I said in my mind, I think I just make him fired up...'Someone please...help me!!' God this is really bad...REALLY BAD...*ding dong* (My super imitation of a doorbell) I ran to the door and open it -Hey, Lucy!- I was relieved it was Lucy the one that saved me -Hello (Y/n)-chan, Sorry to interrupt you, but...have you seen Natsu? Yesterday he didn't came to sleep in my house and...- I just stopped to listen to what Lucy was saying, my mind was playing some ticks on me and I just listen how my heart was breaking, no, I can't cry, not infront of them

-Oh yeah! Natsu?Yes, yesterday he stayed here in my house, do you wanna come in? I'm making breakfast- I was trying my best to sound as natural as possible -Natsu! Lucy is coming to have breakfast, so don't eat all the Hot Cakes- I told Lucy that I nedded more ingredients, she was offering herself to go and buy some, cause she was the "intruder", but I refuse and told her that right now she is the guest -Lucy- I say in a tone that make anyone shake -Do as I say, now go and sit with Natsu and wait for me till I come back- she just moved her head in signal of approvance and I just run out as hell to anywhere, I completely forgot that Lucy and Natsu this HUGE "CRUSH" in old days, I just gave them space....He was just....playing with me....how pathetic

Natsu P.O.V

I have this bad feeling...I was now alone with Lucy, before we...just have something, but since I was with (Y/n)...everything change, now Lucy was just a friend -Ah, Natsu! hey, why didn't you came yesterday? I was worried!-And then there's the problem -hehe, sorry Luce, but...I think I'm gonna stay with (Y/n)- Luce was doing an strange face....she was surprised, then she has hate? in her eyes? maybe...Jelaous? the she started whispering -Wh-why her? Why did you just....choose her?- her question was so sudden but I answer it with my brightest smile -It's just that she is incredible, when I'm with her the time flies, when I hug her....oh her scent, her skin...and there's this....electric shock that goes throught me and told me that...that I HAVE TO BE WITH HER- Lucy again makes a strange face, seconds later her body was on mine -Natsu...do you think that women are just....toys? that we don't have any kind of feelings?- I felt terrible....Lucy's words were so painful, filled with anger but most of all...with pain.

Yes, 7 years ago I was totally in love with her, now I think that she believes that I just played with her....but that's not true -Listen Lucy before...I really have this feeling for you, but...just now...there...isn't anymore, I'm truly sorry- Lucy looked at me and said -Ok, I'm gonna let her win, but...at least can you listen to my last will?- It's just her last will right? I mean I don't have a good feeling, we were in a very compromised position, but this and that was completely different -Yeah, sure what is it?- She wiped her last tears away -Can you at least kiss me one last time?- I just turn a little red by her wish -I-it's only th-that right? nothing more, nothing less?- she nodded -Alright....just...a last kiss - and  secinds later our lips were connected, the kiss was intense.....and after that I just saw a shadow run out of the house....it was the shadow of (Y/n)

(Y/n) P.O.V

Right now everything was calm, I run and then all my "negative" energy burst out of my body, I just got into my house and open the door, little by little, I just had this bad feeling increasing in my chest cuase:

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