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Lucy sat in her seat all confused as soon as Gray called Sarah, His Ex Girlfriend.

"U-uh, Hi I'm Lucy... Grays guild mate."
I said forcing a smile.   "Hello." she said in annoyance.
geez what's her problem.. I thought in my head. "Well I came to get some coffee." she said with a smile facing Gray. "Really? you should totally join us!" Gray said with a big smile not even paying attention to me.
"Okay sure!" she said throwing a wink at him making his cheeks flush a light shade of pink.

We got our orders and they kept chatting and chatting about the past which seemed boring to me.
Suddenly, Sarah wrapped her arms around Gray hugging him tightly
"Ah, how I missed holding you like this Gray." she said with a sigh.
"O-oh, well I missed you." he said while stuttering.  why am I feeling angry and frustrated all of a sudden? I mean, Gray hasn't talked to me or payed attention to me ever since Sarah showed up. maybe I should get going, I don't want to get in between whatever they have.
"U-uh, I should get going. I'm not feeling too well and I should get some rest." Lucy said trying to give a slight smile.
"Okay, I'll take you home." Gray said getting up from his seat while keeping eye contact with Sarah.
"No, no, no, its totally fine I'll walk home!" you said trying to convince him to stay.
"no, I'll tak-" he was interrupted once again & a hand pulling him down to his seat.
"Gray, she said she's go ALONE." Sarah said holding him.
looks like someone's thirsty. You thought.
Lucy got up from her seat and started to make her way to the exit. She took a glance back to where Gray was to only see him smiling and laughing with Sarah.

Lucy's clothes were still pretty wet from the rain earlier and she just wanted to get home quickly and rethink the whole day through.
She finally got home and took a shower and put her Pajamas on.
"phew, what a day.." she said while laying on her bed.
"A-ACHOOO!" Oh no, my cold is getting worser and worser now.
Lucy fell asleep but with many things on her mind. The ways Gray smiled when he was with Sarah, the way they talked and hugged made her feel so many emotions.
Next day~

"Hey guys." Gray said while walking in the door of the guild hall making his way towards where Natsu & Erza were.
"Sup Ice brains!!" Natsu said trying to upset Gray meanwhile Erza ate her cake.
"Where's Lucy?" Gray asked in a concerned tone. "She didn't come to the Guildhall today. I wonder why." Erza said while cake was in her mouth.

A/N: Updated today! YAYYYY! Anyways sorry this chapter isn't that interesting or good. I'm really sick and really tired I might take a nap right now so I apologize for any mistakes or errors throughout the chapter! I plan on making next chapter a bit more interesting •~•
Anyways, ENJOY!
love you all! <3

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