Rematch (Dimitri x reader)

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You walked to Dimitri's house, you loved going their since his mom would teach you both how to fight. And then you and Dimitri would fight eachother, to see who was better in combat. You woud always win, Dimitri would always ask for a rematch.
"Y/n!I want a rematch! You cheated!!"
"Ha! You're just mad because I always win!"
"If you don't then that means you're scared !!"
"What! I'm not scared!! Let's go!"
"Dimitri!Y/n be careful!! The grass is wet!!"
"Wait,I don't think we should do this. What if we hurt ourselves?"
"Whatever! Wait are you scared cuz you know I'm going to win?"
"What?! NO!!"
"Then let's fight!!"
You ran at eachother blocking the other ones attempts to make you fall. But since you were stronger Dimitri was struggling. But he slipped making you fall on top of him.
Making both of your lips connect.
This made you and Dimitri blush. You quickly got off of him.
"Aaaaawwwww my little boy is growing up!"
"Heehee It's so fun to see young love take place in front of my own eyes!"
She then left after fan girling.
"Soo um rematch??"

And you both fought again.
Hope you enjoy! Two one shots in one day. Your welcome! Thanks for all the votes!! Thank you all! At first I thought that this oneshot book wasn't going to get much attention. But now it has over 2.51 views! Thank you all!!

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