remember [Vylad x shadow knight reader]

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You exit from the nether portal you take slow steps.
"I-I'm finally free from the nether...."
You laugh.
"F-finally free..."

You then see a man with a sword taking steps towards you.
"Hmm. Your a shadow knight too aren't you? Wait. I remember you, you never spoke to no one and always kept to yourself..."
He just glares at you
"Heh. You're gonna kill me, right? Well, I'm not going down without a fight!"
You take out your red demon sword.
The man runs towards you and hits you on your side.
You disappear out of nowhere,
You then appear behind the stranger with your sword at his throat .
"I'm going to kill you..."
"Heh. You know what. I'm gonna let you live...I got to get revenge."
"So your going to kill innocent people? I won't allow that."
"But what if they weren't innocent? What if they really did kill me? I know what THEY do to you when you die in the nether. I know what they do, they rewrite memories to make more monsters!"
"...then why are you going to kill those who betrayed you? as much of a monster as those other shadow knights..."
"You can call me a monster, but I'll be saving lives!...The lord that betrayed me was an evil and inhumane person! H-he slaughtered so many people....I was too weak to fight him. But when I...killed him I went back to the nether.... I don't want to hurt or kill any innocent villagers!"
He just stayed quite

You put your sword away.
"But then I heard that a much more evil lord took his place.......and I don't want any more innocent souls to be tormented by him or her.....I need to go NOW to protect the villagers....bye..."
You then disappeared.

".........Y/n.............I wonder if you remember me..........."

He got out a photo of you and him as little children smiling.
With you and Vylad both blushing about how close you both are.

Hope you enjoy!
Evil Author-chan:Thanks for the votes and follows!
Question of the day is if you could have one superpower what would it be ?
Mine would be to control water since humans are 70% water so I can control people to buy lots of video games for me or just buy stuff that I want.
Evil Author-chan: We have a new oneshot book, and it will mean a lot if you guys check it out. bye for now!^~^

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