Chapter one:I Want Her

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Kagura was walking down the street to the market to sell her family's last cow.She belongs from a poor family who live in a wooden house in the forest.She was told by her mother that her great grandparents were one of the most richest people alive until an accident took everything away. She may be 15 but she still works as a waitress in a small cafe in town.Her mother is always sick.Her father had a farm which they had to sell as they didn't had any money left to pay the workers.Her brother was a mechanic.She didn't get a chance to go to school because of her family's condition but she never complaint because she knew her complains wouldn't give her what she wants. She was just glad with what she had. She was crossing the road when she saw a car heading to her.Her cow got a shock and ran away.Kagura fell on the ground in surprise when the cow pulled the rope from her hand and ran away. The car stopped before knocking into Kagura.She stood and couldn't see her cow anywhere.It was out of the view. A voice came from the back."Are you ok?I didn't mean to-"
"Couldn't you see i was crossing the road?!" Kagura shouted with anger.The whole village knew her anger was bad.Her father would get alote of complaints from the villagers for hitting their child. "I'm..." The owner, a boy was just looking at her.He looked just as young as her.Kagura fell on her knees. "That cow was our dinner..." She started to sob."I...i didn't-"
Another man came out of the car. "Sir,is everything alright?" The man asked. "Get back in the car, Tom" the boy said to the man."But sir, your father said me to take care of you"the mansaid again."I said in.Now"said the boy,he turn to Kagura."I'm sorry"he said."He was worth two hundred... "A tear fell on the ground." Two hundred..."he started searching for his wallet in his jeans pocket."I don't beg "she stood." My mom needs medicines which cost more than my father can pay. "She explained." I'm not complaining "she added." I'm just saying you have stole the chances to heal my mother "she wiped away her tear." It's just two hundred. I'll pay you back "the boy said to her." To you rich people, money might be a small thing but to es..."she paused. "I wish I'll never see you" she turned around. Atleast she was honest. "I said I'll pay" he said again from the back. "Father said taking money for no reason from a stranger is like begging. And begging is like exchanging your reputation for money.We poor people have nothing except for our respect. And I won't ruin my father's respect" she said without turning around. She walked away.The boy just stood there without saying anything. The man came out of the car."Sir,are you alright?"he asked"Can i help you?"he added.The boy kept looking at the view before him."I want her,"

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