★☆about me☆★

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Dedicated to @ khloeviolet

Hola me llamo casey irwin translation hey my names casey irwin. Ok so you wanna know some things about me well im 16, my older brother is ashton irwin!!!. Whats it like to be brothers with the sexiest drummer alive well its different ill say that im always traveling which is fun and my life is great.... but it wasnt all that great you see my parents were different from all the others. My mum shes a workaholic always working I barley saw her and dad well he was an alcoholic and for some reason he would take his anger out on me I never understood why.

Mum died last year in a car accident on the way to work it effected me the most coz dad would stay home and drink and drink he wouldn't stop so I would come home then get abused it was kinda how my life went when mum passed away. I startd to blame myself for getting abused that I got caught up in the wrong crowd, I started to smoke when out with my friends, my best friend got me to start drinking alcohol evey sunday night I would sleep over at hers and we would totally get wasted fun right well its not when you have to go to school the next morning.

I remember one time I slept over at her place she invited me to go to a college frat party it was for Halloween so I dressed up as a sexy nurse yeah I know inappropriate for a 16 year old but I couldn't care less about it. We arrived at the party and walked inside every where you looked there were people making out it didnt seem to phase me ive seen it all before. I was walking to the kitchen to get another cup of beer when a guy wearing a fairy costume came up behind me and put his hand on my ass then turned me around to face him. He looked straight into my eyes before he slammed his mouth onto mine and shoved his tounge down my throat I wont go into detail but I will say this at that party, with that guy I lost my virginity.

I remember going home the next morning still wearing the costume my dad wasnt home but ashton, luke, Michael and calum were embarrassing right well I didnt feel embarrassed I felt lile my head was going to explode that was the first time ive had a hangover so bad. "CASEY ELIZABETH ROSE IRWIN!!" ashton yelled at me when I walked in the door at that time he didnt know I was in a bad place in the world and this was the first time he's seen me like this.

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