good news or bad news?!?

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"Hey Casey is this lovely man here your boyfriend?" The female asked "umm no can you please tell me the result" I said my hands shaking God I'm so nervous because I'm pretty sure if I'm pregnant and Ashton finds out ill most certainly be all over the news I can just see it now.  Casey Irwin pregnant, Ashton Irwin's little sister not so little anymore.

"Casey don't worry about it ok" Michael whispered in my ear before holding my hand. "I have some good news Casey your pregnant congratulations!!" The doctor squealed I jumped off the bed I was sitting on "GOOD NEWS ARE YOU KIDDING ME THIS IS BAD NEWS I DON'T WANT TO BE PREGNANT PLEASE I DON'T WANT THE THING!!!" I cried, Michael ran over to me and hugged me "Casey please calm down please" he said while hugging me "NO MICHAEL I WILL NOT CALM DOWN ASH IS GONNA KILL ME!!" I yelled at Michael I know its mean but if you were a 16 year old girl who got drunk at a party and got pregnant you would be upset as well.

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