Chapter 15- A trip to the pack house

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The cool grass felt wonderful under my paws as thud on the ground as my speed increased.

The wind whipping through my fur felt glorious and I realized just how long it had been since I'd done this. I mean I hadn't done it since I've been back and that had been for almost 2 months now.

I could hear Alex gaining on me and I sped up. I know he could catch me if he wanted to but he loved the chase and apparently so did I.

I ran and ran until my wolf and I felt at one and it was the most fulfilling and rewarding feeling ever. She and I have been at odds recently especially due to the whole Alexander being my mate thing but we felt unstoppable.

Well that was until Alexander tackled us to the ground. Unconsciously a laugh bubbled out of my throat. It sounded like I was caught between chocking and dry heaving which made me laugh again.

Alex playfully bit into my neck as he rolled us over multiple times in the moist grass.

Eventually we came to a halt, my head resting heavily on his back as he breathed in loud pants.

"That was awesome!"

He huffed his agreement.

Suddenly a thought came to me 'where the hell was I meant to get new clothes to put on?'


He glanced at me in acknowledgement.

I sorta didn't put away my clothes prior to this whole adventure.

We can just run back and get them. He suggested.

Yea. Sure and I can just wear the ripped shreds home maybe I can even start a new trend. I voiced sarcastically.

Our you could just shift back and forget the clothes altogether. He suggested but I knew that he was only joking so I didn't sock him a punch and anyways I could only do that in my human form which was the initial problem to begin with.

Alright come on I'll take you back to my place and you can find something there.

Your place as in the pack house?

Well I have an apartment but I don't have the keys on me anyway so I guess to the pack house it is.


I stood just outside the forest directly in front of the balcony outside of Alexander's room.

He had jumped up over the railing and into the room but I wasn't as brave so I settled to just wait for him to come back with the clothes.

He broke the corner wearing a dark blue sweatpants and a white v neck shirt.

He laid the clothes he brought for me on the ground and I took it up in my mouth before retreating back into the forest to go change behind a tree.

He had picked out a navy blue sweat pants and a grey v neck which I hurriedly put on trying to ignore the fact that I had on no underwear. I stepped out from behind the tree and info the clearing.

Alexander just stared at me for a good minute before simply saying "I like you in my clothes."

He then proceeded to walk away without another word.

I guess that's my que to follow.


I now sat on Alexander's bed listening to a story about when he and Ethan got arrested for mocking a police officer.

"So then Ethan tries to take the officer's gun out of it's sheath and at this point I was laughing hysterically. So the officer obviously having had enough says you know what you two are under arrest. So Ethan asks him for what. You know what he's turned to us an said? For being dicks and he's cuffs us both and pushes into the squad car. Ethan and I laughed all the way to the station and even when they put us in holding we were still laughing."

"So what did your parents do?" I asked still having trouble controlling my laughter.

"Well they never found out."

"Shut up."

"They never did. Cause Ethan and I entered the station with fake names. Mine was Archinold Fleming and Ethan's was Patrick Moon."

This time I laughed so hard I nearly pissed myself.

"Can I use you bathroom?" I asked still smiling.

"Sure it's that black door over there" he said pointing around the corner.

I went over and into the bathroom. It was huge. It was decorated like the rest of his room, cream and black.

I hurriedly used the bathroom and washed my hands.

As I opened the door I was met with Alexander's voice and he sounded quite annoyed.

"Britney could you just get out."

The same time he said that I bumped my toe on the night stand out side the bathroom door. I muttered a curse as I began hopping around on one foot.

Britney looked at me in disdain. "What is she doing here?"

I didn't reply so Alexander decided to instead.

"I believe that's none of your fucking business." He said it with so much venom that it made even me a little scared apparently it didn't seem to phase Britney in the least as she whipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and fed me a dirty glare.

"You need to leave now bitch my boyfriend and I have things to discuss."

Alexander looked just about ready to combust as he looked at her with his eyes narrowed.

He looked as if he was about to tell her who I was as in his mate but I beat him to it.

"She's right I should go. It's getting late anyway." I said looking at Alex who didn't seem happy I was making this decision for him.

It's fine I'll see you at school tomorrow. I sent to him in the mind link as I walked out.

It wasn't until I was almost through the door of the house that he replied.

I'll see you at school and by the way I'm sending two guards to walk you home. Alright. goodnight.


"Where the hell have you been?" Was what I was met with as I made it through the doors of my house.

It was Jake.

"The party." I replied without missing a beat.

"Do you know how worried we have been?"


"Yes. Jace, Allison and I. Jace came to me in hysterics saying that you were drunk and some guy dragged you off upstairs. He said he couldn't find you anywhere. Apparently you just disappeared."

"Well then. Put me in a sheet and call me Casper." I replied sarcastically. Thoroughly pissed with Jace for putting me in this awkward position.

"I'm going to ask again.Where were you?"

"Out. With a friend." Was all I said as I walked pass him and up the stairs.

It had been a long night and sleep desperately drew me in and I succumbed willingly as I was drawn into the blackness.


How you guys feel about this chapter?

Do you think Alex is having a bad influence on Jessica ?

Are you still team Jalex or what?

And that bitch Britney is trying to own up Alex. She is so upsetting but I think Jalex is getting stronger despite everything.

Vote, Comment and follow.

I mean do it for Jalex .

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