Chapter Twenty-Seven: Why?

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I listened to Gavin breathe a little heavier and the line dropped. I instantly felt worried for him, not knowing what the hell I was supposed to do for him. He was in a different country, halfway across the world. I'd be damned if I were to fly all the way there just to make sure he was okay.
But that didn't stop me from getting up and pacing around my room.
I began thinking of the possible reasons this happened. I didn't know much about Gavin's family. Hell, I barely knew that he had a family. All I knew was that he did have a twin brother and his dad owned a multimillionaire company.
Maybe he had daddy issues?
Like me...
I clutched my hair for a moment, not wanting to think about the unmentionable things my dad used to do to me. Gavin didn't have to go through that, did he? Oh god if he did, I'd probably force him to let me inspect every one of his scars.
I heard my bedroom door open and I looked back to see Michelle looking at me worriedly. She walked in slowly, giving me a sad smile and resting her hand on my shoulder.
"Michael, what's wrong?" She asked me. I shook my head and felt my eyes begin to sting.
Don't cry...
"Something happened with Gavin. Daddy issues or something," I muttered.
Don't cry...
"Not what you had to deal with I hope," Michelle breathed gently. I shook my head not knowing what to think. My eyes began to sting more.
"I don't know. I hope not. If he has scars I swear I'll go to his dad and-," I stopped there.
I burst into tears.
I'd never cried for someone before. Hell, I hardly cried for myself. But thinking of Gavin possibly having been abused before made me want to go to England just to knock some sense into his dad. Gavin shouldn't have to deal with that. He was too innocent and sweet to even have to think about dealing with it.
Although, that may explain some of his timidness and insecurity. Maybe he thought that I'd lash out at him if he screwed something up. That I'd call him out on his mistakes and hit him for it.
I stopped thinking for a moment as an image of Gavin getting hit flashed in my mind.
Michelle pulled me close to her as we sat on my bed. My head rested comfortably on her chest as she started humming a song I used to sing to her when she was very little. She pet my hair back and shushed me, trying to help me get the tears to stop flowing from my eyes.
I cried for about twenty minutes straight. Michelle acted so sweetly and I was reminded of her younger self. For a moment, I wished that I could go back to my old life where Michelle wasn't a drug addict and she wasn't a porn star...
Porn star...
"Michelle?" I croaked, pulling my head from her chest.
"Yes?" She answered me gently, rubbing my arm with her carefully manicured fingers.
"Why are you a porn star?" I asked her.
Her face went blank for a second, like her entire life came to a stop. When she snapped out of it, she looked down and pulled her hand away from my arm. She started twiddling her thumbs and sighed, not meeting my gaze.
"Money," Was all she said.
That's all she had to say for it? Money? She was smart. She could've became a doctor, author, scientist, anything she wanted! But she went into the terrible line of business that I was always mistaken for when I told someone my job.
"You do realize you could've just as easily called me and I would've found you a job here," I told her.
"I know, but I didn't want to be that girl that has to run to her brother when she falls on rough times. I wanted to be independent, Michael. I wanted to prove to everyone I could make it on my own," She told me.
I looked down for a moment, understanding what she meant. She wanted to be on her own. She didn't want people's help. She just wanted to grow up and stop being the little girl I always hoped she'd be forever.
But I also wondered if she got that from me. I was quite a rebellious child and her being forced to grow up around me, she probably picked up on the things I did. I wouldn't be surprised if she did all this because she thought that if I could leave on my own, then she could too.
"I guess I understand. But, you honestly couldn't have become something a little less... Revealing?" I questioned. She sighed and looked down again.
"Michael, I was at a crossroads in my life. At that point, I didn't really know what to do. And Arron, my boss, saw me at a bar one night and he offered the job to me. I took the job thinking it was my only chance of getting out of Jersey," She told me.
I shook my head. I hated Jersey just as much as she did but I wouldn't go as far as too accepting a job like that to get out. I mean, I thought accepting the job offer at RoosterTeeth was crossing the line but Michelle brought that to a whole new level.
Then I had an idea come to mind.
"Why don't you quit now and get a job at RoosterTeeth?" I asked her. I could very easily get her a job as an intern or even an assistant for the Achievement Hunters.
"It's not that simple, Michael," Michelle told me.
"Why not?" I asked, getting slightly angry.
"Because... I make quite a bit of money and... I don't think RoosterTeeth can pay me that," Michelle told me.
"So. At least you won't be putting out and making a fool of yourself," I muttered.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Michelle growled, standing up. I forgot about her slight temper. But her change in voice brought a whole new wave of anger to me.
"I mean, that someone like you shouldn't be showing yourself that way to the world. You're way to young and-," I got cut off.
"Oh, Michael, don't get me started on young. How old were you when you abandoned me?" Michelle growled.
That was it.
"I should've left you at at office. I shouldn't have tried to fix our broken relationship," I said, strangely calm.
I saw Michelle's eyes widened as I shoved my way past her and out the door.
"I suggest packing. If you're still here when I get back, I'll drag you to the street and let the next car take you," I told her, opening the door and stepping out.
At least she isn't my problem anymore.
I apologize for this insanely shitty chapter. But when I saw how many reads I had on the chapter I was like "Holy fuck I need to get writing!". So, I really hope you guys are enjoying. Sorry for the lack of Mavin in this but with Gavin in England in the story it's kinda difficult.
Anyway, thank you to those of you who commented on my last chapter! Your comments put smiles on my faces. If you could keep those up, I would be so happy.
Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed!

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