Chapter Thirty-Three: The Rescuers

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Please read the AN at the end!

I didn't care how many laws I was breaking right now. All that mattered to me was my sister's safety.
She had urgently called me, sobbing and telling me dad was gonna kill her. I wouldn't be surprised if he did either. She was in a vulnerable state right now and dad was crazy enough to do something like that.
I tapped my fingers urgently on the wheel, feeling my heart beat quicken and mind race a million miles an hour. I was the only one who knew about her whereabouts, so I was the only one who could save her.
When I finally got to the place she was at, since Michelle had cried out to me her location, I quickly got out and ran up the steps to the disgusting motel.
I raced down the hallway and grabbed the doorknob to the door. I twisted it, realizing immediately that it was locked. Duh, Michael.
I slammed my fists onto the door, hearing Michelle's muffled screams after doing so. I heard a deeper voice scream at me to go the fuck away but I continued to try and open the door.
"Open the goddamn door, dad!" I screamed through my frustration.
I stopped dead when I heard the click of a gun.
I backed away, wondering if my ears were playing tricks on me. But I had heard it, I knew I had.
The door opened and in front of me stood my childhood nightmare.
"Look at you, Michael. All grown up. Last time I saw you was when you took Michelle to her grandparents," He growled at me, smiling a challenging smile. The gun, as I had presumed, was aimed at Michelle.
Michelle was tied up on the bed, duck tape over her mouth and eyes begging for mercy. It was something out of a horror movie.
She started trying to kick around and scream when she saw me, making lots of noise, so dad grabbed me and dragged me inside and shut the door.
"Well look at us. A family again," My dad giggled insanely. I stood a good distance from him, in case he tried anything.
"Dad, put the gun down," I told him calmly, hoping to get him to be calm.
"Now why would I do that? Then I would have nothing against you and Michelle," My dad said, swinging the gun towards me now.
I instinctively raised my hands, not wanting to appear challenging. For the first time in a while I felt myself go weak and become vulnerable. I stared at the gun that was pointed directly at my heart and then up to my dad, who was smirking evilly at me.
"Now, this can go one of two ways. I'm a little low of money, and I could really do with some extra cash. Now I was gonna take money from just Michelle but now that I got both of you here, I'll take from both," My dad started.
"Now, you can hand over the money and keep your little mouths shut, and we could throw this all behind us. Or we could do this hard way, which is why I have this," My dad said referring to the gun. Michelle shook her head quickly and tried screaming again.
Through her screams I guess a part of my sanity snapped. Suddenly I wasn't just going to give him the money like I planned on doing. I was gonna fight back.
My mind instantly went into survival mode and I faked getting my wallet out. My dad lowered the gun and relaxed giving the element of surprise.
I lashed out, quick as lightening and slammed my body against his. He was surprised all right and he stumbled back. I took my advantage and threw him down on the floor.
I guess my dad wasn't as clueless as I thought he was because he rolled over quickly and jumped to his feet. The gun was still on the floor, which I was grateful for, and I kicked it away, so neither of us could use it.
My dad growled at me and launched himself at me. I sidestepped but still felt a punch crack me in the jaw. I tumbled down and clutched my jaw for a moment before getting kicked in the ribs by my dad.
Michelle cried out as I groaned. I already felt my stomach begin to bruise and my jaw ache. I rolled over and kicked my legs out at my dad, which didn't do much.
My dad pinned me down and aimed his fist for my head. I tried moving around but that only resulted in me getting pinned harder.
He hit me three times. Once in the eye, once in the nose, once in the head. Flashbacks started consuming me of my dad beating me every day. All my old scars started to form and I felt sick and dizzy.
I could barely hear the door open again and my boyfriend tackle my dad to the ground.
When my vision cleared and I was able to move properly again, I caught a glimpse of Gavin sitting on top of my dad, punching the living daylights out of him. I felt myself smirk at the scene. Gavin Free beating up a man four times his size. Just try to imagine it.
I reached out and tried to get up and help him but all I could do before blacking out was mutter a faint 'Gavin.'

When I awoke again, I found myself in Geoff's house. Griffon was standing over me, dabbing a cloth to my nose and whispering gentle words to me. I closed my eyes again before blinking them open again and seeing all the lights out and Gavin sleeping in a chair a little ways away from me.
I felt sick to my stomach but I pushed that away as I tried to sit up. A wave of dizziness washed over me and the nausea flared up again. I leaned back down, willing myself not to throw up.
I guess the couch creaked or something because Gavin's eyes blinked open and he glanced my way.
"Mi-cool?" Gavin said, throwing the blanket off himself and getting up.
"Hey," I whispered, looking up to him.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me, sitting next to me on the couch.
"Sore. And sick," I muttered, feeling the nausea become stronger.
"Like you're gonna get sick?" Gavin asked, scrunching his nose up.
I nodded and Gavin went away and grabbed me a bucket type thing. He set it next to me, saying 'Just in case'.
"You know, Michelle says you're a hero. Before you got there you're dad was threatening all her money and he said he would rape her. She's lucky you came in when you did," Gavin told me, rubbing my shoulders gently.
"I'm the hero? What about you and your ninja moves?" I giggled, grabbing his arm.
Gavin blushed, obviously embarrassed by the statement. I rub his arm gently and and smirk as he looks back at me, smiling as well.
"Well, it was a team effort," Gavin said, smiling down at me. I nodded and pulled his arm, gesturing I wanted him to come down.
He snuggled up next to me and was gentle to avoid my bruises. My nausea remained but I nevertheless wrapped my arms around Gavin and closed my eyes. I slowly forgot about my pain as I listened to Gavin's gentle snores that eventually lulled me to sleep.
Please read the AN!!!
I'm not really proud of this chapter. I really wanted to update and I kinda forced myself to write... Which you should never do, kids. Take that as a lesson XD
Anyway thanks for reading. I can't thank you guys enough for sticking around for this story. I know it's not exactly great but I'm really trying, I promise. I believe the second part is about to be wrapped up in a few more chapters so I have this question for you guys.
Do you want a third part?
If you do please let me know and I'll start planning it out.
Thank for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Leave it to Me (Mavin)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя