Chapter 1 (Tyler's POV)

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It's funny how quickly your life can change. 7 hours ago I was just a normal 15 year old boy sitting in Maths at school and now, well, this is the part that gets a bit hard to explain. I think it would just be easier if I just took you back to this morning.

8:45 that morning
I'd always stood on the football pitch before school started. I'd never actually play because I don't like football, but all my friends did, so I would just stand there and watch them. On this particular morning I was just standing there when I began to feel a bit dizzy. It didn't seem like anything to be worried about. It was just like the type of dizziness you get if you stand up to quickly. It lasts for about 5 seconds then it's gone and you feel completely fine. Then you just carry on with what you were doing in the first place unless, the school bell goes which is what happened to me. So, I grabbed my bags and went to tutor with my best friend Lucas.

I was sat in tutor with Lucas and we were talking about Call of Duty when she walked in. Brice Holiday. Brice had been my best friend since I was 4 but in recent years we had grown apart and now we were practically strangers. I'd always wanted to talk to her, to try and get our friendship going again but as soon as I got ready to do it, she walked away with her friends. It was impossible to get her alone. But I was going to try. When this was going to happen, I had no idea. But it would happen. Eventually.

9:00 that morning
Maths. Joy. The only subject that I struggled at. The whole idea of balancing equations was to much for my brain to handle. I didn't understand trigonometry and don't even get me started on circle theorems. There is no practical use for them so why do they teach it to us? Only God knows. Anyway I was sat in Maths next to Lucas when I got another dizzy spell. But it was worse than the last one. This one caused me to fall of my chair.
"Dude. You alright?" Lucas asked me.
I was just about to tell him that I was absolutely fine but I got a massive headache. The one that feels like someone is hitting you with a frying pan constantly. This pain was obviously to much to handle because I passed out. And then we got to where we are now.

16:00 that afternoon.
Now I am sat here in a hospital bed being told the biggest news in my life. I have terminal brain cancer. And only 6 months left to live.

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