Chapter Five

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"No," She shook her head, "I love, love you."

"Wh-What?" He stuttered, an obvious blush immediately coming across his face, also completely and utterly confused.

"Um..." She laughed nervously, "Gotcha! Good prank, ri-"

"No, I... I love you too," He said, smiling.

"R-Rea- wait," She said, "Really?"

Sean nodded, letting out a small laugh.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Sean pressed his lips to hers.

Then the electricity was back. Sean had felt it when Reyna was still alive. It was an unfamiliar feeling for the man, but it was wonderful.

The kiss was slow. Their lips moved in sync with one another. Their bodies became closer, and they were embracing.

Sean's mouth finally pulled away from Sparrow's, but they were still together in a loving hug.

The rest of the night, they spent it with each other at the park. A few hours passed, and it was midnight. They were currently lying on the grass, stargazing together.

"I have a joke," She said.

"Okay," He replied.

"Okay, okay, okay," She already laughed, high on life, "The experienced carpenter really nailed it. But the new guy screwed everything up."

Sean bursted into loud laughter for a short moment, even though the joke wasn't funny at all.

"That sucked," Sean laughed again.

"Then why did you laugh?!"

"Because it was so unfunny that it was funny."

"That makes literally no sense."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"What? Yes."


And that's how their conversation carried on the rest of their time outside. They continued telling dumb jokes until they got too tired to continue.

"Let's go home," Sean said around one a.m.

Sparrow nodded, then stood up with Sean and interlocked her fingers with his.

They finally left the park and arrived at their shared home.

They took off their shoes and got ready for bed. When Sean was done, he took off his shirt and got into pajama pants, jumping into his bed and screamed into a pillow for whatever reason.

A few minutes later, Sparrow ran in and plopped next to him.

She was wearing a black tank top and bright blue basketball shorts.

She rolled onto him and kissed his cheek.

He laughed to her and she squealed when he began to tickle her sides.

"Stop!" She laughed.

"Not until you tell me you love me!" He said, still tickling her.

"Okay, okay," She breathed out, still giggling wildly, "I love you."

Sean immediately stopped tickling her and replied, "I love you too."

After those words were exchanged, there was a few minutes of a comfortable silence.

The two cuddled, and we're happy.

Ever since Reyna had passed, Sean was depressed. Reyna had made him happy when no one else could, and when he met Sparrow, she replaced that feeling.

Now granted, Reyna was irreplaceable, no one could replace his wife, not even as wonderful a girl as Sparrow.

Though Sparrow was gorgeous and funny and amazing, she still could not replace Reyna.

Before he realized how emotional he was getting, he'd started to lightly cry.

Sparrow had noticed, "Sean..?"

"Hmm?" He asked, then realized he was crying. He wiped a tear off of his cheek.

"Are you... are you okay?" She asked.

"Just thinking about Reyna," He replied honestly, "How happy I am that my heart wasn't completely broken after her death. You've filled up a big place in my heart."

Sparrow smiled, then kissed Sean sweetly.

They pulled away and Sean smiled at Sparrow.

"Thank you for introducing yourself to me that day. I don't know where I'd be right now if you hadn't been put into my life."

/a/n Hey
So I know it may seem like I'm moving a bit too fast, but trust me. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. ;) *rolls up sleeve*

This is dedicated to AdamAndBudderLover . Thanks for voting!

But if you liked this chapter, punch that vote button in the face like a boss!

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.


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