Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sparrow, Sean and Mark were helping Ember move out, though she just lived in a small apartment and didn't have all that many things, so it only took them a few hours.

When they were done, Sparrow and Sean went home. Mark was currently driving back to his and Ember's now shared apartment, Ember was with him of course.

"I'm so happy we're living together now," Mark said, a smile on his face, but he still looked at the road in front of him. He'd had a fear of driving ever since Thomas. He actually hadn't told Ember everything yet, but he planned to sometime soon.

"I am too," Ember said, "I'm just really tired."

Mark chuckled, "So am I."

"Thanks for helping me with the moving and all that," Ember said.

"You've already said thank you, like ten times," Mark said, "But you're welcome."

"It's just because..." Ember sighed, "I'll tell you when we get home. Promise."

"I have some things to tell you too," Mark replied.

For the rest of the drive, the couple stayed silent, minus Ember's humming to the radio.

When they arrived home, they went to the couch to sit together.

"I was bullied in high school," Ember said straight away, "And I didn't have much, so I... yeah... you get what I'm trying to say."

"Yeah," Mark said, "How were you bullied?"

*slight trigger warning involving bullying. later paragraphs include the topic of suicide and death. if you are sensitive about these topics, read with caution, or skip ahead to the bolded asterisks*

"Mostly name calling, but I did get punched a few times, got a few bruises here and there. My nose was broken once," She said, looking down at her fidgeting hands at the bad thoughts of her high school career.

A look of anger came across Mark's face. He hated those people that brought others down."

"It's no big deal," Ember said.

"It is," Mark said.

"I'm okay," She said, leaning over to lean against his side. He put his arm around her shoulders and rested his head on her own, "So what did you need to tell me?"

"Was gonna talk about my past, and some more recent things," Mark said.

"You've already told me about... y'know," She said, referring to the attempts.

"No," Mark said, "Not that."

"Well, what then?" She asked.

"Um," He said, "Growing up, I had an older brother, Thomas. We... we did everything together. Played video games, other rambunctious things as kids, and... we were really good friends..."

Ember interrupted, "Wait, why are you talking in past tense?"

Mark shook his head, "I wasn't finished."


"It's fine," Mark chuckled, "But, you know, later in my teen years, even into my really early twenties, I attempted, twice. These are the ones I haven't told you about. He found me once, the other time I wasn't successful. The time he found me, I was about to hang myself. Second time, didn't take enough sleeping pills."

At this point, Mark was on the verge of tears. Ember was looking at him worriedly.

"A couple years later, like a year and a half ago, Thomas got in an accident, a, a car accident, and he didn't make it to the hospital. He died, and that's the main reason why I'm kinda socially awkward, and, and... everything," Mark broke out into tears at the memories of his brother.

"M-Mark, I'm... I'm so sorry," Ember said.

"My dad died shortly before that from cancer, and I was in school, engineering school, but I dropped out because I was going through a lot of stress and emotional problems, and, yeah, it was just too much."

*okay the triggering is done*

Ember just lay down in his lap, her arm to his head, playing with his hair.

He managed to give a little smile, "I love you so much," He said.

"I love you too," She said, "A lot."


"Seaaaan," Sparrow whined. She was on the couch. They were going to watch a movie together.

"Hold on!" Sean said from the other room. He was grabbing blankets.

"Seaaaan," She said again.

He didn't answer. She rolled off of the couch to the floor and closed her eyes.

Then she heard quick footsteps, and soon there were three huge blankets over her. She squealed, "Sean!"

"Hi," He said after removing the blankets from her face. She tried to look mad at him, but her face soon twitched into a grin.

He leaned down and lay next to her. She moved the blanket and faced Sean, before kissing him roughly. He kissed back, then a few moments later it escalated to intense making out, then his shirt was taken off, and as was hers.

"We doing this?" Sean asked for clarification.

Sparrow nodded, impatient.

They never ended up watching a movie.

/a/n Hi flibbities. Oh, and the pibbities. Couldn't forget you.

To make up for my late update last time, I did an early one :D you're welcome.

To anyone that read I Gave You Everything {Markiplier X Reader}, thank you so much for 5K reads, and almost 400 votes and over 200 comments. You guys are the bomb dot com (yes I just said the bomb dot com. Don't judge me).

Also thank you guys for so many reads, votes and comments on this story. It means a lot to me.

Well, if you liked this chapter, punch that vote button in the face like a boss!

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter!


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