You Can Dominate the Game Cause I'm Tough

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Harry: Harry is always used to being the one that people look up to do the work and be in control, so when it comes to you and him, he likes to change that. It gets tiring to always lead, so he likes it when you do.

Ron: Ron was always used to being the sidekick, and therefore, he likes to be in the lead now. He likes having his time to shine.

Neville: It is a team effort with you and Neville. You both keep switching roles, so neither one of you really dominate. He always lets you make the first move, but makes sure he gives you want you want too. You two seem to take turns.

Fred: Both of you like playing pranks on you, and both of you switch dominating roles. It changes based on the mood.

George: With George, the person dominating also depends on the mood. Sometimes you do, and sometimes he does. It's good either way because you both love getting and giving.

Draco: It all depends. You two switch based on your moods. You like getting reactions out of him, but you also don't mind enjoying yourself.

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