Chapter 10

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Laurine's P.O.V

I walk into maths hoping and praying that there will be someone here that I know.
I was so relieved I missed this class yesterday morning as we got our timetables. Now I've to face this today.
There's a sweet woman smiling at me.
"I'm Ms Martin." Her voice is gentle. "You're very welcome here Laurine. Please introduce yourself to the class."
I turn to see a sea of people who I don't know. I could cry. I know my face has turned scarlet.
"Ehm." I feel myself stutter. My voice is shaky.
"It's okay." I hear a voice, gentle to my right. I turn my head slightly to see Brendan smiling at me in encouragement. I nod and try to calm myself.
"I'm Laurine. Ehm..."
The teacher smiles at me. "It's okay I'll let you off with that."
Oh thank goodness.
I flop into the empty seat next to Brendan and he hugs me briefly.
"I'm so embarrassing."
He shakes his head. "It was adorable."

Ms Martin clears her throat.
"Brendan if you could save the flirting until after maths that'd be great."
Brendan looks embarrassed.
"She can't contain herself." He grins.
She laughs. "I'm sure."

She starts to teach and I can't help but smile. Brendan is sweet.
The bell rings and Brendan helps me put my things back in my bag.
"So how did you find yesterday then?"
I smile at him. "It was fun thanks to you lot."
He grins. "Oh yeah? We're gonna go bowling tonight I think if you're up for it?"
"I'd love that."
"What class are you in now?"
"Ehm home ec?" I shrug unsure.
"Cmon I'll show you where to go."
I shake my head. "You'll be late."
He just shrugs. "It's fine. We can't have you getting lost on your second day."
Brendan walks me to my class and squeezes my shoulder, trying to comfort me.
"It'll be fine."

Now I'm screwed. None of them do home ec so I'm completely alone now.
"Lau." Ciara's here. Yay.
I sit down beside her, keeping my head down to avoid any more class introductions.
"How was maths?" I grin at her.
"Ugh more introductions. It's so embarrassing. I was with Cian and Dayl though at least."
I try to hide my smile as she says Cian's name.
"Oh yeah? How was that."
She grins at me, clearly amused.
"I know you like him Lau."

I shrug. 
"Maybe. I don't know. Kind of."
She shakes her head.
"Do you take me for a fool Lau?" She laughs.
Hmmmm how to change the subject.
"Yeah well what about you and Dean then? Or is it Ryan?" And it's her turn to be embarrassed. Thought so.
"Are you coming bowling yeah?" I smirk knowing she wouldn't miss it.
She nods. "Apparently it's supposed to snow tonight."
I laugh. Ciara loves snow too much. She's one of the only people I know who prefers winter to summer.
"It's so cold already."
She nods, delighted.

"I will be so happy if it does."
I grin at her. "No little dresses or skirts tonight then missy."
She laughs. "No maybe not."
"What should I wear?" I try to sound casual.
"He'll love it no matter what you wear." She smiles, seeing right through my feigned breeziness.
"If I get any input though I'm in love with your new jeans so I'd go with those."
I smile. That's what I was thinking.
"You have to wear your boots!" I gasp.
She laughs. "It doesn't matter coz they'll make us wear the awful bowling shoes anyway." Good point. I'm so excited for this.

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