Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and detention with Snape

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Bella's POV
I stood outside in the cold October air, surrounded by the rest of the school as we waited for Beauxbatons and Durmstrang to arrive. I shivered as I felt someone come up behind me and place a hand on my shoulder.
" Cold love?" The all to familiar voice asked.
" No Freddie I'm dying of heatstroke." I said sarcastically.
I turned around too face Fred and he started to take off his red weasley jumper.
" Fredrick Weasley don't you dare!" I scolded.
But he took no notice and slipped the jumper over my head. I pulled my arms through and hugged my arms tighter.
" Freddie you'll be cold." I told him as he just shrugged.
" Bella just shut up, I'll be fine." He said rolling his eyes.
" Trying to be tough are we, Weasley?" I smirked as he playfully hit me on the arm.
" Oi you two stop flirting and listen to Dumbledore." George spoke, suddenly appearing behind us.
" 1. We weren't flirting and 2. Where the bloody hell did you come from!?" I asked loudly as a hand flew over my mouth.
" Shut up." George hissed.
" Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches." Dumbledores voice boomed above the noise as everyone suddenly got louder.
" Where?" Angelina asked.
" Over there!" Lee said loudly as many heads turned.
" Don't be stupid it's a flying house!" Dennis Creevey shouted.
" Can't you all see, it's a giant carriage." Hermione sung.
I rolled my eyes and continued to look up at the sky as the carriage landed.
Boys and girls, dressed in silk began to fly out of the carriage as I pulled Fred's jumper closer to me, in an attempt to keep warm.
A woman bigger than Hagrid followed them and was soon conversing with Dumbledore about who knows what. Soon they all rushed inside.
After a few minutes every bodies eyes were on the lake.
" It's a boat!" Fred said excitedly.
" No Sherlock it's a car." I rolled my eyes, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
" If you're going to be mean I'll take back my jumper." He threatened.
My eyes widened and I shook my head.
" It's coldddd"." I whined.
He chuckled and Roger Davies , a nearby Ravenclaw took the opportunity to pull me into a hug.
" Cold my lady?" He questioned, winking at me.
I pulled my self out of his grip and gave him a look of disgust.
" Never in a million years." I spat.
Fred picked me up and placed me inbetween him and George.
They both looked at each other, smirking and before I knew it...
" SANDWHICH!" They shouted, moving closer to me and completely squishing me between them.
" WOW IS THAT AIDEN LYNCH!" I shouted pointing towards the whomping willow, getting their attention.
They let me go and searched around in excitement before realising I was joking.
I burst out in laughter, just as the Durmstrang boys stepped off their ship.
Fred and Georges eyes were on the Durmstrang students now and we continued to watch them as the walked past us and into the school.
" Hi beautiful." A tall boy dressed in fur winked at me.
I rolled my eyes and Fred pulled my hand into a tight grip, making my stomach fill with butterflies.
I blushed and George wiggled his eyebrows at me.
" Jealous are we Fredrick?" I laughed and he let go of my hand immediately.
The twins and I followed the rest of the school into the great hall and took our seats at the Gryffindor table.
Fred's POV
We all listened to Dumbledores speech before he introduced the Beauxbatons girls.
The all entered the great hall and Ron gawked at them.
A girl blew him a kiss and I nudged Bella's arm.
" Look at Ron." I whispered.
She burst out in a fit of laughter at the sight of him.
He looked like a lovesick puppy.
After they took there seats at the Ravenclaw table, much to Ron's dismay.
The Durmstrang guys flooded into the hall and I took a tight grip on Bella's hand.
She turned a bright shade of pink and I laughed.
" Ahh does my touch have that much of an effect on you Granger." I smirked.
" Shut it Fredrick before I jinx you." She snapped.
I put my hands up in defence before going back to eating my dinner.
" Fred do you like Bella?" George asked as i took off my shirt and put it the basket.
" What no." I said quickly as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.
He sighed.
" Ahhh that's a shame then because I think she likes you."
I shook my head and he just laughed.
" I'm serious Freddie."
Just then the dormitory door flew open and the other boys groaned.
" It's her again." James Robinson moaned.
" Oi I'll hex you." Her voice rang through the room.
Her hazel eyes drifted towards me and she just stared.
I chuckled, " Like what you see Granger?" I winked at her.
She bit her lip and smiled.
God she's hot I thought but instantly snapped myself out of it.
" Merlins beard Fred put a shirt on will you." She joked.
George wiggled his eyebrows and I slapped him.
" Aww you know you love it Bella." I said.
She shook her head and laughed.
Everybody groaned except for George, Lee and I.
" BRILLIANT IDEA!" I yelled.
" Why is it that every time Bella's in here everything is 10 times louder?" Xavier Jackson asked obviously irritated.
" Shut up and stop complaining Jackson, she's hot, just be glad it isn't Lavender Brown who barges in here all the time." Lee said looking her up and down.
" Eyes off Jordan." She snapped.
Suddenly I realised something.
" Hey don't you have detention with Snape." I asked.
Her eyes widened.
" Merlins beard, I'll talk to you later." She said quickly before rushing out of the room, still wearing my jumper.
Bella's POV
" Miss Granger, you're late." Snape said coldly as I rushed through the classroom doors.
" I'm sorry Professor I got held up." I told him, out of breath from running.
He stared at the jumper I was wearing. Fred's.
" Been a bit preoccupied have we Miss Granger." He raised an eyebrow.
" God no Fred's my best friend." The blood rushed to my cheeks.
" Well then I would like you to write, ' I must respect teachers' for the next hour."
I groaned and sat down pulling out a quill, ink and parchment.
After about ten minutes of awkward silence I spoke up.
" Sir, what did you mean by, I was exactly like my father." I asked cautiously.
He glared at me.
" I can't tell you that." He breathed coldly.
" Aww come on bro, we've spent a lot of detentions together." I pleaded.
" Would you like another week of detention?"
I shook my head and went back to writing.

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