Wanna bet?

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Arabellas POV
" Are you okay?"
I snapped my head in his direction.
" Don't even bother Fred."
That was our last conversation, if you can even call it that.
I trudged into charms 10 minutes late, putting on a fake smile as I took a seat next to Lee.
" Miss Granger, you're late." Professor Flitwick's high pitched voice rang throughout the classroom.
" Sorry Professor, I didn't hear the bell."
That was my excuse, my horrible, pathetic excuse.
George shot me a knowing glance and I just nodded silently.
I had been avoiding Fred all week, and if avoiding Fred meant being late to class then so be it.
I zoned out as everyone got up around the room, in search for partners.
I glanced around the room and Fred's brown eyes met mine.
We were always partners.
I looked away quickly and Lee took me by the wrist.
He dragged me over to a table where the twins stood practicing.
" Idiot just talk to her." George hissed.
" what if she beats me up, did you see what she did to Draco?" Fred's voice was low.
" If I recall you helped give him the black eye."
Lee let go of my wrist and he and George quickly walked away.
I glared at them as they found a place on the other side of the room.
" Bells." His voice cracked.
I broke down in sobs and he pulled me into his warm arms.
I pulled myself out of his grip and ran.
I ran away.
I didn't know where I was going but I ran round the corners until I couldn't run anymore.
I slid down a wall and sat on the concrete floor.
I couldn't stop the tears.
" Ooh poor Grangers crying." A voice I knew all too well filled the silence.
" Piss off Peeves." I growled.
He laughed before flying off, most likely to torment some poor 1st year.
I pulled myself up off the ground and walking to Godric knows where.
" Hey hottie, you okay?" A muscly durmstrang boy asked as I passed the library.
" Just leave me alone okay." I muttered and he shrugged before walking off.
I entered the Great Hall as the last bell for the day sounded.
" Hey Bella wait up." Angelina's voice was the last thing I wanted to hear right now.
" Hey Ange." I smiled my famous fake smile at her.
" I feel awful, I didn't know you liked Fred, I'm so sorry." She apologised.
" Oh it's fine, I'm over it." I said sweetly." Fred really likes you, maybe you should ask to him to Hogsmeade, he'd like that."
" Really? Thank you, I'll go ask him now." She hurried off and the smile dropped from my face as I put my head down and sat next to George at the Gryffindor table.
I smiled at him as he took a sip of orange juice.
" Hey bell, what did Angelina want."
" Oh she was apologising, but it doesn't matter cause I'm over it." I grinned.
" Are you sure?" He frowned.
I nodded showing off my dimples.
He just raised his eyebrows.
Fred took a seat next to me and he wrapped his arms around me as I squirmed.
" I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry."
I laughed and pushed him off me.
" I'm over it Fred." I smiled at him.
" Don't lie to me."
" I'm not I'm telling the truth." I assured him.
" You always play with your hands when you lie." He told me.
" I do not!" And sure enough I was playing with my hands.
George stifled a laugh and Fred just stared at me.
" will you two just kiss or something, the sexual tension is insane." Lee smirked as he took a seat next to George.
I smacked him from across the table and he held his hands up in defence.
" Geez woman you can hit hard for a girl." He rubbed his arm which was now bright red.
" What do you mean for a girl?" I glared at him . " I bet I've beaten up more guys than you have Jordan."
Fred and George slowly moved away from us.
" Wanna bet."
I nodded as he smiled evilly.
" If I lose you get to make me do something, If I win I get to kiss you."
I groaned . " Fine."
" George help me count." Fred said as I started naming names.
" Malfoy, Flint, Roger Davies, Pansy Parkinson, Those 4th year gits, what are they called? Oh yeah Crabbe and Goyle, um Zabini Blaise, Ron oh and George." I laughed at the last two.
" What did you hit Ron and George for?" Lee looked slightly scared.
" Ron was being a git to my sister and I'm pretty sure George." I stopped " I don't actually remember what he did."
Fred burst out laughing and George punched me playfully on the arm.
" So that's 9." Fred added.
I nodded and Lee groaned.
" how many have you got Jordan?" I asked cheekily.
" 4." He frowned, " Marcus Flint, Roger Davies, Cedric Diggory and Fred."
I laughed "aww poor Freddie what did ya do?" I grinned.
" he kinda well it was the other day." Lee said quietly.
My face dropped ." Oh"
George changed the subject almost immediately.
" So Bella what are you gonna make Lee do?"
I thought for a bit.
" Hit me." The words escaped from my lips.
" What?" Lee asked, confused.
" Hit me  as hard as you can."
" Bell I'm not going to hit you."
" Why cause I'm a girl?" I questioned.
" No because you won."
" I know, that's why you will hit me, because I've hit more people than you have." I explained calmly.
" Bell I don't think that's a good idea." Fred stepped in.
" Lee hit me as hard as you can, do it I dare you." Ignored Fred.
Lee hesitated before he swung his fist back and it powered forwards and collided with my face.
I was thrown backwards , but remained in my chair as Lee apologised profusely.
" I'm sorry." He cried.
" I'm fine Lee." I assured him as I held a napkin to my face to mop up the blood dripping from my nose. " Oh and you have to give me 5 galleons."
George laughed and Lee groaned.
" I knew there was a catch."
He handed me the money and I pocketed it with a grin.
I turned to look at Fred.
He was fuming.
" Freddie are you okay?" I asked out of concern.
" I'm just not okay with watching him punch you." He said quietly.
I hugged him and whispered in his ear " I'm fine Fred, I can take a punch."
He nodded, and smiled at me.

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