Till Then

859 37 4

Yukari's Pov

As we get ready for landing I saw a small smile at Mr.Arima's face.

"So what are you going to do here?" I asked him

"Maybe finding out more about myself you?" He asked me

I looked at the sky from the window and sighed.

"I might be looking for a place to break free I guess" I said in a whisper.

"What?" He asked me

"Nothing I said I'll be attending a school here" I answered.  Well it was half true.

"I guess we might see each other again because I'll also be attending a school here." He answered

"*smiles* I hope we see each other again" I said to him

He just smiled at me.

As we get down I saw Mr.Arima trip a few times.

Then I accidentally drop my coffee at him

Oh my gosh

"E-Errr I'm so sorry"

"It's okay. I guess this is what it means when coffee makes you wide awake"

;  ^  ; I'm such an idiot.

On our way out Mr.Arima called on a taxie

"Why don't you go first?" He asked

"But didn't you stopped it for you?" I asked

He just smiled.

Well there's no helping it.

I went in and opened the window.

"Somewhere between right and wrong there is a garden and I will meet you there" I said as I closed the window and moved away.


I forgot the rest of the quote but I heard about it from a movie but enjoy and at the side is a calligraphy that I wrote from the quote

The Next Chapter (A Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang