Chapter Two- The First Day

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Breakfast was brought to our rooms. Our meal was an egg and some water. Really.

Viola walked me to homeroom. Each floor had the same schedule, so she was in all my classes. Great.

Everyone stared as I sat down. I think it was my hair. I needed to change tonight if I wanted to be liked.

"Oh, come on guys! She's new!" Viola cried. The class murmured something along the lines of "Hi, fuck you."

The rest of the morning was pretty much the same. Eventually, it was time for lunch.

I should've expected that lunch would be crappy. No burgers or pizza. Not sloppy Joes. No mystery meat. Just salads with low-fat dressing packets and a mere three croutons. Oh, and some tofu tacos. I took a salad and some water and sat with Viola.

"Georgia, this is Dana." Viola said. A tall girl waved from the other side of the table.

"Are you new?" Dana asked.


"Cooooool!" She exclaimed.

"I'm getting my hair dyed tonight. And maybe a surgery in a few days."


I was so friggin annoyed with that word now.

I came back from the on-campus salon with bleach blonde hair, my split ends cut off, too. Viola was screaming so much, Cathy had to come and calm her down.

"It's just so cute!" Viola cried after Cathy left. "When do you get your first surgery?"

"This weekend, I guess,"

Viola screamed again, but slightly quieter so Cathy wouldn't hear.

"Can I borrow your straightener?" I asked Viola as we got ready for school. Today's breakfast was honey on whole grain bread. Yuck.


"The stylist straightened my hair when I got it dyed. I liked how it looked."


I slowly did my hair. I had to quickly wrap it up because I was late for class.

~"Did you like chapter two?

I just realized that two of my characters in my books share a name: Cathy! The other Cathy is in Fat for a Year.

Next chapter, Dana changes... and not in a good way...~

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