Germany & Prussia x Mother!Reader Part 1

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A young blond boy around four sat alone in the rain. His icy blue eyes had tears welling out of them, running down the boy's face. His sobs were muffled as he buried his face in his worn out brown jacket. His eyes franticly searched the street and passing citizens. "Hey Vest, don't cry! Shh, I'm here now" an older boy softly said soothingly as he sneaked into the alley. Said boy looked a bit older, maybe around seven-ish, with a white mop of hair, blood red eyes and albino skin.

Both boys were dressed pretty poorly, the older in ragged and ripped black pants, half tucked in shirt and dirty brown shoes. The younger was dressed in brown shorts with suspenders, a tucked in shirt and a ragged brown jacket that looked several sizes to big for him. The younger boy was now sat in his brothers lap, snuggled in his thin jacket while the older rubbed his back soothingly.

Meanwhile, foul-mouthed and obnoxious (Your name) was walking down the street, laughing at how awesome she was. The German woman received many strange looks but she shrugged it off as 'They can't handle my awesomeness!'. Swishing her drink around, spilling it on her (F/C) dress and on the streets, the woman was drunk off her ass!! Her (h/c) hair was greasy and messed up and her (e/c) eyes were wild and glazed. Her unfocused gaze fixed upon two boys, huddled together in an alley. "H-hey boys, vhat's up!?" Her slurred voice called to them. The older of the two boys's head snapped up at the sound of the intoxicated German accent. "Vhat do jou vant?" The albino lad snapped at (your name), though cowering back into the alley. "Sheesh, no need to get defenzive!" She raised her (skin color) hands in mock defense.

Sorry this is so short but I have huge writers block.....and I'm sick......and just plain lazy. But I will finish this before long. But, anyways, request and all that sh!t.....


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