Night One

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The elders gathered in a meeting room below the castle, dimly lit by candles that lined the large, stone room. The oldest of their kind sat in the room, their children standing behind their chairs, arms crossed behind their backs and head bowed in respect, ordered to not utter a word with the threat of losing their tongue. The table that was surrounded was decorated with the finest of silver as though the vampires would actually eat food. Goblets sat next to plates, filled practically to the brim with a deep red liquid that had almost every creature in the room itching to grab their cup and devour the liquid inside. A man with long, strikingly red hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail that hung down his back stepped into the room, his eyes of the same color moving up to look around at the men in the room before flashing his fangs in a smile.

"Brothers." He said and each vampire in the room stood, bowing respectfully at the oldest of them all. Igneel Dragneel slowly made his way to his chair, his black cape brushing against the floor slightly as he pulled the chair back and sat down gracefully. His eyes raised to look around the room as a small maid scurried forward and placed a goblet next to his own plate, bowing before scurrying back to the kitchen.

"I can see your looks of curiosity." Igneel began, interlacing his fingers and placing his arms on the table. "Acnologia and his men have resurfaced on the edge of the country."

Many horrified gasps sounded them, the woman next to him placing her fingers against her lips in shock.

"You can't be serious, my Lord." A younger vampire with light blonde hair exclaimed, his eyes widening. Igneel nodded his head grimly, causing the man to clench his jaw. "With all due respect, my Lord, but my father told me how the mighty Igneel destroyed Acnologia centuries ago."

Igneel chuckled slightly, shaking his head. "Your father jests, my child. I only wounded him and sent him into hiding. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, Sting." Igneel turned his head on the man who practically sunk back into his chair. "Nor would I expect that of you, Rogue seeing as the both of you have only recently rose to your power." The dark haired man that Igneel turned his eyes on lowered his head and nodded slightly.

"What are your plans, my love?" Igneel sighed as his wife placed her small hand on his muscular arm, turning his eyes to look into her brown ones.

"If my men are correct," Igneel began, placing his hands over her's. "Then Acnologia and his men are headed towards the town of Magnolia."

"Magnolia? Isn't that the town your son watches over, Igneel?" A man with the eyes of a snake turned his head to look up at him, a purple serpent wrapped around his right forearm and flicking its tongue ever so often. Igneel nodded, feeling his wife's hand tightening on his arm.

"It's is Co--Erik." He confirmed, causing the men in the room to groan.

"If that buffoon went against Acnologia, his head would be yanked clear off of his body." A man by the name of Laxus growled, his hand in a fist on the table.

"Calm, Laxus." A deep voice grumbled and the blonde man froze, raising his eyes to meet the cold gaze of the dark man across the table.

"Metalicana." Laxus murmured as the man raised his eyes to look at him.

"I have faith in my son." Igneel said softly. "Grandine, Metalicana and I have agreed to send Wendy and Gajeel to Magnolia to assist him." The two mentioned teens jerked their heads up to glance at each other in shock. "We must have faith in our new generation. My men and I will venture towards the outer borders to intercept Acnologia but we should all be prepared for the worst."

Metalicana stood, placing his large hands on the table as he brought his darkened gaze up to look around the room. "Acnologia takes no prisoners. If you face him, you fight him to the death."

Intoxicating (Fairy Tail AU) (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ