Sweet Mother

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"Is the fence finished?" Ciel asks.
"Almost. Putting in the last piece right now. The inside has been repainted and the cemetery is dressed for the funerals. Also with the inside we did some redecorating and some glass has been redone in stained glass. The angel will be in place in a few minutes right before the funerals are due to begin. Some of the forest has been cleared and everything is set. Also the stables have been expanded and we shall have senior reapers on guard at all times. If there is a call we have riders standing by," William states. His tie is blue instead of its normal black. Grell was dressed in near all black accept his jacket, a rose lapel pin, and a family crest pin in a bright red and gold. The crest was a shield with a raven and a sparrow flying away from the center. There was also a scythe crossed with a sword at the bottom and a rose in the center. The trim was gold with most of the color on the crest being black or red with a hint of silver on the weapons. Grell looks at Ciel. Ciel looks up at him.
"Shall we go inside to see the changes?" Ciel asks. Grell nods and they head in together. The house was now painted with dark red walls. Grell takes a few steps in and does a spin to see everything. There was a chandelier in the main foyer. Grell walked into the old lounge where the walls were now a soft Crete and the glass was stained in a rainbow of colors. There was a cross at the head of the room and a few pew rows. He looked at Ciel.
"They said most of the house is painted in different shades of red. A tribute to the Sutcliff family. The crest is on the base of the angel statue. The crest was William's idea. The red was mine," Ciel gives a small smile. Grell wipes away a tear and hugs Ciel.
"Thank you," he says. Ciel nods.
"Shall we check the upstairs?" Grell nods.
"The kitchen was left near the same and Connie and Oscar have decided to stay and help with the upkeep. The rooms upstairs have been redone a bit. Charle's old room was redone along with the one next door into a medical area. The guest rooms have multiple beds to accommodate multiple people. Your old room has also been redone,"
"Oh? What's it now?"
"A music room. It has a piano and a few other instruments. We figured what better way to lighten spirits than to have an area to escape. The study is a library with a few desks in it and some extra chairs for sitting. The ball room has been shined up and is ready for a dance when called for. When spring comes a small range shall be put out back. We found your old training dummies and thought new ones were in order. Also some horse trails are to be mulched. And we found a lake. What was that normally used for?"
"We used to have a rope swing and dive in from that. It was also a good fishing spot. We used to have a floating platform in the middle that could be sat on."
"We didn't find a platform but we will be putting one in," William says. He had been following them.
"Yes. They are pulling the angel out of the crate as we speak."
"We should get down there. You should be there Grell," Ciel says. Grell nods. He picks Ciel up bridal style and runs down the stairs. William lifts an eyebrow and follow. Grell sets Ciel down at the door and they walk outside together. Daddy Big Boss Death was there, doing most of the crowbar work. His hair was shot and pure white accept for a blue streak at the front. He looked young, no older than 35. He pulls off the first side of the crate. Kori and McCormick pull off the second side. Lora uses a giant throwin star to push off the top. William runs down and prices the last two sides apart letting them fall. Grell and Ciel reach the entry gate and look at the canvas covered statue. Grell goes over and looks at William. He puts a hand out. William hands him a full scythe and he cuts the canvas open to reveal an angel in full battle armor. She has her wings resting instead of extended. Her hair was braided and layed on her left shoulder. Her armor was just a chest plate but it shined more than the rest. The dress draped over her feet but one armor boot stuck out. She held a shield in her left hand and a scythe in her right. She looked out to the world with the want to explore or protect. She stood on a platform with the Sutcliff crest and the words "Zaštititi djecu, bilo u najtamnije noći ili u najsjajnije svjetlo."
"I protect my children, be it in the darkest night or in the brightest light," Grell translates. Ciel nods.
"It's beautiful."
"It is. She shall protect any who need to be protected. This shall be a sanctuary for all reapers, be it partial, half or full. Thank you Ciel Phantomhive. And you as well Grell Sutcliff. Ciel your crest rests on the platform, if that is alright. We made the last minute change that the Sutcliff crest should be the shield face," Death says.
"I find that quite suiting," Ciel nods.
"It's beautiful  either way sir," Grell gives a small bow.
"Don't bow. Not today," Death says. Grell nods. A few reapers put ropes around the statue and start to move her to her final place.
"What is she made of?" Ciel asks.
"A rare stone. Humans don't know of it. It was found at the first sanctuary. We call it Archium like an archangel. It's near impossible to carve," Grell replies.
"How do you carve it?"
"Special scythes," Death replies.
"You all and your scythes."
"It's the only time a non main reaper is allowed to wield a soul scythe," he says.
"Soul scythes are the one for half bloods?"
"Yes. It seems to react like a half blood. As if it was one. But we've tested it. It's just stone. It's odd. Yet beautiful. It does what you want so long as you know what you want."
"Any other special properties?"
"If the words on the platform are spoken it comes to life and protects the sanctuary. It's at every sanctuary and all reapers know it."
"Is that the chant to have a main reaper come?"
"No. That's different. Also contracts are different. But you know that one," Death's voice starts to slide into the sickening voice Ciel remembers.
"You. You're the one who contracted me to Grell," Ciel and Grell look at him.
"I do pass out the contracts. I put them up and then reapers may grab them. Only compatible reapers are able to take the file. Grell was one. You almost had Sasha. Yours was an A average or higher contract. Grell took it rather quickly," Death says sliding back to his charming voice. Ciel nods. The angel teache sits final spot. Kori looks at Death.
"It's ready Daddy Big Boss!" Kori yells. Death nods and walks forward.
"Slatka Majko, zaštitili svoju djecu s tvoj kosa!" He chats to the statue. The eyes glow for a moment then go dark.
"Sweet mother, protect your children with your scythe," Grell translates for Ciel. He nods.
"Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear," Ciel mumbles. All the reapers in the area look at him.
"You already have a contract!" Kori yells at him. Grell lifts an eyebrow.
"Just remembering. Sorry," Ciel looks at Grell.
"I understand sir. Just be careful with your words. They hold power around reapers. You are one of few humans who will be witnessing a reaper burial. And will be one of few to ever view one in its entirety," Grell says.
"And Charles?"
"Undertaker requested he be buried as an honorary reaper."
"That's sweet," Ciel smiles. They walk towards the cemetery with the group of reapers. A large group had already gathered. There are a few demons there as well. Connie and Oscar are there. Grell stands to the side where Charles is and Ciel stands with him. Undertaker stands at the front. Death brings over two lanterns, one red and one blue. He hands the blue one to William at the foot of Sasha's coffin. He hands the red one to Grell. He moves to the foot of Charles's coffin. William and Grell look at each other then at Undertaker.
"Pusti ove duše konačno odmoriti. Su učinili njihove poslove i učinio onda do svog posljednjeg daha. Uzmi ih, slatka Majko, tebi na skrb. I neka sada vinuti u zrak," he looks at William and he lifts the lantern up and it gently lifts from his hands and floats. William lowers his hands. Undertaker looks to Grell he does the same. The lanterns float up and are carried away on the wind and out of sight. The caskets are lowered and buried. Grell returns to Ciel. After some time reapers start to leave. Work had to be done. William is the last reaper to leave other than Grell who stands there with Ciel.
"It was beautiful. What did he say?"
"Let these souls finally rest. They have done their jobs and done them to their last breath. Take them, sweet mother, into your care. And let them now soar through the air," Grell says. Ciel nods.
"That's poetic. Who is sweet mother?"
"No one knows. Some say it was Death's first love. He could never be with her and she with him. So she killed herself and became the mother of reapers. Some say that's why people who kill themselves become reapers. So they can repay death for being able to reunite with their lovers. If two people could never be together in life, they could in death and secret. Blood borns resulted from this. But that's the story. Death has never confirmed nor denied it," Grell says solemnly.
"That's tragically beautiful."
"Yes," Grell stands from the stone bench.
"Where are you going?"
"There is someone in here I wish to visit," he says. Ciel stands and walks with him. His red hair floated in the air. Ciel reads the stones as they pass. Grell goes to a willow in the corner of the cemetery and stops looking at the stone.
"Well well. What have we here?" Grell gives a small smile. Ciel looks down at the stone.
'Here lies Grell Sutcliff. Beloved Son. Died at age 21. R.I.P.'
"You came to visit yourself?"
"Might as well," Grell chuckles. The stone had a rose etched into it. He looks at the willow as the wind picks up. Snow gently leaves it's long wisps of branches. Grells hair flows on the wind like the branches.
"Fitting. Being put under the willow. The willow is a tree of wisps. That's why they are called will o wisps. And why children shouldn't play near them. They protect lost and broken souls. Such misunderstood things willows. So beautiful yet feared," Grell looks at Ciel, "so fitting I was buried here."
"Fitting? Last time I checked I was the lost soul. Maybe you're supposed to become the willow. Willows protect the lost and broken souls yes? You protect me. And I don't see anyone protecting you," Ciel smiles at him.  Grell nods.
"Maybe I have been found," he looks at the manor in the distance, "I found home and have made it a sanctuary. For the lost and broken. I guess I am a willow now," Grell smiles.
"Come along then willow. We should be heading home."
"Yes my lord."

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