No Take Backs: Part 11

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That night, we headed upstairs to our designated rooms. I showed her to the guest room across from mine, helping her get settled. Before I left for bed, I asked, "Do you need anything? Glass of water, something?"

Deja sat down on the mattress and took off her yellow nikes.

"I know we didn't have dinner so . . ."

"It's aye-ight," she said. "I ate before I came anyways."

I nodded. "Cool."

Deja looked at me and slowly leaned back over the mattress. Then her eyes shifted away, looking at the rest of the room. Her head would turn occasionally to get a better view of something. "This a nice crib," she said. "Z got yall girls staying in a palace."

"Yeah, it is pretty cool," I said, looking around at the grand room. "Wish my place back home looked like this." When I turned back to Deja, I found her staring right me.

Her dark eyes scaled me up and down, checking me out a little.

I swallowed as I felt shivers going up and down my spine. Unable to stare at her any longer, I looked away and said, "Well, if you're comfortable I guess I'll go to bed then." I turned and walked away, heading for the door. From behind, I could hear the soft padding of Deja's feet following me. I forced myself not to turn around and look at her, not until I was at a safe distance from her. When I reached the open doorway to my room, I glanced over my shoulder at her, as she stood behind the door to her room.

She leaned her body onto the doorframe, while cocking her head to the side.

"Well, good night," I said. "Best friend . . ."

Deja gave a single head nod and blinked slowly. "Yea, night," she said.

I smiled briefly and waited for her to close her door first, only for a moment. But when she didn't and instead, watched me, I decided to close my door. I leaned back against the frame and took a deep breath, with closed eyes. We were friends and just friends, nothing else. And with that thought replaying in my mind, I changed into my pj's and got into bed. I would've thought, that when asleep, my mind wouldn't run wild with dreams I wasn't supposed to dream of. However, that wasn't so. Though me and Deja were friends now, I still couldn't help dreaming of us, on the beach, making love, making out during at the movie theater or fucking in the backroom at my job. God, I at least had five wet dreams during that night.

It was even worse when it starting raining outside. First it drizzled, then the rain came down hard on the roof of the house like bricks falling from the sky. Then there was lightening and thunder. I lied wide awake, cowering beneath the covers. Eventually, I couldn't handle it anymore. I had to get some sleep somewhere. I got up and left my room with every intention of heading downstairs to the living room, falling asleep to whatever drama was playing on TNT. But when I saw the creek in the doorway to Deja's room, I couldn't resist the urge to go to it and knock. At first, I didn't hear any movement and I thought for a second, that this had been a good sign. I needed a reminder. But the moment I turned to leave for the stairwell, was the exact moment Deja came to the door.

"Hey," she said, sounding drowsy. "What's up?" She rubbed at her sleep-filled eyes before squinting at me. I glanced down at her and noticed she was dressed in nothing but a white tank and Kalvin Klein boxers. Her hair wrapped in a black silk wrap.

"Oh, nothing," I said, uneasily. "I'm just-I was wondering if you were still okay?"

Deja furrowed her eyebrows and cocked her head to the side.

Fumbling with my fingers, I struggled for a good excuse. "Like if you needed water, or wanted some leftover chicken fr . . .?"

"It's one thirty in the morning, Layla," she said. "What you want?"

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