Miscarriage (Harry Styles)

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warning: this is a very sensitive subject. if you are offended by this, please skip over this and wait for the next update. this is a very serious matter and if you need anyone to speak to, I am here!

You were scared out of your mind to tell him. You were scared to tell him you lost the baby. You told yourself he would hate you, and you didn't want that.

Harry's been away on tour for the past three months, not returning for another month. You were supposed to be about 4 months and finding out the gender of your baby. Of course, you found out the gender. But, due to a fall, he didn't know that you wouldn't be having the baby boy you found out about just a few days ago.

Like every other night, Harry skyped you. You were determined to tell him and hopefully he would still love you and not want to divorce you.

"Hi love," he spoke tiredly over the computer.

"Hi Harry," you spoke softly.

"Every thing okay? You don't seem okay. Is it the baby?" He asked as he looked at you with concern.

You broke down, you couldn't be strong in front of him anymore.

"Y/N? Love, I need you to tell me what's going on," he said in a small panic, looking at you with wide eyes.

"Harry, I-" you choked, but you just started sobbing.

"I can't hear you, baby. Please, calm down and tell me what's wrong," he said sadly as he watched the love of his life cry.

He wished he was there for you. To hold you and tell you everything was going to be okay. But he couldn't, and it made him angry he couldn't be there.

"Harry, you'll hate me," you cried.

"Y/N, I love you. I could never hate you. I promise. Please, tell me what's wrong love."

"I lost the baby," you cried as you stared at him, tears racing down your flushed cheeks.

"W-What?" He stuttered. You barely saw the tears in his eyes, but that was due to bad connection on his part. "Y/N, what happened?"

"Harry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. I was doing everything the doctors told me to do and I lost him. I lost our son and Harry I'm so sorry. I killed him, it's my fault."

You were sobbing, holding your knees to your chest and rocking back and forth on your bed. You cried were loud and clear, you were sure the boys heard you. You didn't care, of course. You wanted your husband to come home to hold you.

"I'm coming home," he spoke, trying not to cry, "I'll be home tomorrow, okay? I'm coming home."


You cried all night last night, most of today, and now you were crying as you laid in bed alone. Harry still hadn't made it home.

You heard the door to your house open, a bag dropping and the front door slam shut. You heard feet running as fast as you could up the stairs and it stop at the entrance to your room.

You started sobbing again, gripping onto the white, fluffy pillow. You heard Harry sigh, sniffle, then him change and get into bed next to you.

He pulled you into his chest and he started crying into your neck. You ran your fingers through his hair as one of his hands laid on the small of your back, the other on your stomach, where your baby once was.

"You said son," he cried, his tears cascading down the back of your neck, "we were having a boy?"

"You were going to get your Easton Andrew," you told him, which broke him even more.

When you first got married two years ago, you tried for months to have a baby. Harry was so obsessed, he already came up with names, and you loved them. Easton Andrew for a boy and Natalie Lauren for a girl. They were perfect. They still are perfect.

"we were going to have an Easton Andrew," he cried. You rubbed his back as tears left your eyes.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I killed him, I did it," you spoke.

He then knew, he needed to be the big spoon and to hold you. So, he moved you to his chest, making him the one holding you, instead of vice versa.

"You didn't kill him, these things happen," he sniffled, "it just happened to us and it fucking sucks."

"I fell down the stairs, Harry. It was my fault."

"Are you okay? Are you physically okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, just some bruises and I had a concussion."

"Baby, why didn't you call me?"

"I was scared," you cried.

He held you tighter, his tears drying up for now. "It's okay, shh. I'm here. We're going to be okay, we'll make it. We'll be okay, Y/N. I've got you, rest baby, please."

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