"Don't worry sweetie, we got you" {Luke Hemmings}

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Starting your beautiful family was one of the hardest things you have had to do.  You dreamed of helping people that were in need as a little girl, and becoming a surgeon was the prefect way to do it. You never dreamed of having kids, but after you and your husband Luke got married, you were blessed with a baby.  

You had a beautiful little girl, Delaney Grace. She was a spitting image of you, but she of course had a few features of Luke. As soon you saw her, you fell in love and knew you would love motherhood.

After Delaney turned 1, you and Luke decided you wanted to expand your family.

Your small family of three expanded to a family of 5 as you were blessed with twin boys. Baby A, Joseph Scott, was born five minutes before his twin, Kyler Ashe.

The twins were born about two years ago. You and Luke decided to wait a little longer to have more kids, if you wanted more. You were busy at the hospital and Luke was producing music for other musicians since he stopped touring and sadly quit the band after the twins were born. He sometimes would go with other musicians on their tour and help them produce their next album, but he wouldn't go longer than two weeks at a time.

You were working your shift at the hospital, Luke staying home with the kids. It was close to midnight and your shift was just about to end. But, something stopped you from calling Luke to tell him you were on the way and to go ahead and get into bed.

Your eyes wondered to the gurney being rushed in, and you recognized your sister, Y/S/N. You rushed over, but your coworker knew she was your sister and had to hold you back from the case.

"Here comes another one!" Someone yelled as you looked over, your coworker still having a small hold on you.

Tears raced down your cheek as you saw your niece, Joselyn Claire, being pushed on a gurney and into a room. Her other sister, Peyton Rayne, was being carried in. The one year old looked to be just fine, but Joselyn looked bad.

"Peyton!" you yelled, running towards her and leaving the hold you were in. She started screaming for you in the arms of another nurse. Your coworker handed you the little girl and went to aide her sister.

Peyton sobbed into your neck as you held her as tight as you could to your chest. You dashed to a seat and spoke, "Pey, sweetie what happened?"

She couldn't respond. She was crying so hard she couldn't respond. You kissed her head, tears of your racing into her hair. You rubbed her back and she quickly fell asleep.

You grabbed our phone from your pocket, seeing many missed calls from Luke.

 You called him back.

"Y/N! Sweetheart your shift ended half an hour ago. Where are you?"

You sniffled, "I need you to get the kids up and get here. It's bad, Luke."

"What happened? Are you hurt? I am getting up Delaney right now," he spoke as you heard him speak to her in the background.

"It's Y/S/N, Luke. There was a car accident and her and Joselyn are in rooms. They don't look good."

"Where's Peyton? I'm getting the twins in the car at the moment."

You heard them fussing in the background, and Delaney speaking.

"I've got Peyton, I just think she's shaken up. I'll see you soon."

You ended the call and carried Peyton to check on her family. You saw that both of the rooms they were at were empty. You found your chief, "Where's my sister and niece?"

"Y/N, I am so sorry to say this, but your sister passed away about five minutes ago. Joselyn, though, is in a room upstairs. She's got a broken arm and a fractured ankle and a concussion, but she's gonna be okay."

You slowly walked away and went into the waiting room, trying not to cry too loud to disturb others, but you just lost your sister. You shouldn't be trying to hide your tears.

"Sweetheart?" You heard Luke speak as you saw him rush towards you with the kids walking behind him.

"She's gone, Luke. My sister died," you spoke, tears trailing down your cheeks.

Luke had tears go down his cheeks, but was quick to comfort you, "Baby, every thing's gonna be okay. I called Ben when I left and he's almost here to get the kids and we will talk with doctors about Joselyn and find out where she is, okay?"

You nodded and then Ben showed. Luke talked to him for a few, hugged Ben, and then said goodnight to his children. Luke came and took Peyton from you, letting her rest against him. He took your hand and led you to your chief.

"Where's her room?" you asked after your chief briefly explained everything to the both of you one last time.

Once you were told, you went straight to her room. You opened the door and Joselyn was awake, and once she saw you she broke down into tears.

"Oh sweetheart" you cooed, going to her and carefully climbing into the bed and holding her.

"I miss mommy," she cried, "why did she go?"

Tears raced down your cheeks as you looked at your husband, tears racing down his cheeks as he placed a kiss on Peyton's head.

"I don't wanna get a new mommy, Aunt Y/N. I'm scared," She cried into your chest.

"You won't have to," Luke spoke, making the two of you turn and look at him, "Don't worry sweetie, we got you."

After a little bit you got out of the bed and placed the sleeping Peyton next to her sleeping big sister. You took Luke's hand and led him outside the room, him already starting to speak.

"I know that we already have three kids of our own, but I'll be damned if Joselyn and Pey get put into a foster home where they may not get the treatment they rightfully deserve. They need us."

You nodded and hugged him, "Thank you, Luke. I love you."

"Me you more, sweetheart. Me you more."

A month after the funeral,  Joselyn and Peyton moved into your house after you and Luke adopted them into your family. The seven of you got a bigger house where everyone could have their own space. The girls were happy to be with you guys, and you were happy that they lived with you. They needed you, and quite frankly you guys needed them too.

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