Caught by Suprise

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I was scared. I was beyond flipping my shit because WHATTHEFUCKWASGOINGON? I was DEAD and now i'm somewhere and it's FUCKINGPAINFUL. And I KNEW there was something WRONGWRONGWRONG I could feel it. And then there was light.

The small newborn girl took her first look at her new world and decided light was a bitch. Everyone else took a look at the small newborn girl and flipped their shit.  The girl decided sound was on her hit list too.  The newborn was perfectly normal except for the fact that her eyes were ALL BLACK. There were no whites of her eyes and no iris in sight.  There were no kekkai genkai like that and the people had no idea how this happened.  And that scared them.

They were momentarily distracted when the girl's mother started fading.  The childbirth had hit her hard and the girl's already active chakra network had put a huge strain on the women's body.  Before she died, the women was handed her child and, smiling down at her, gave her a name.  "Your name is Toki little one.  Toki Migashi. "  She leaned closer, crying, "And you're gonna be alone for a while alright? You have to be strong and walk you're own path."

Even though it should be impossible, the young mother knew her odd baby understood every word.


Toki's eyes turned to normal looking eyes with electric blue irises soon after her mother's passing. And two days later she was brought before the Hokage.

It was quite obvious the baby was nervous when she was brought into the Hokage's office, everyone was curious about her eyes.  It was even more obvious she was shocked by who she saw.  The third Hokage was sitting behind his desk with a calm, controlled, and generally friendly aura.  He was young, maybe only in his 40s.   All the pictures her friends had ever shown her had him as an old man so this came as a shock.  Unfortunately,  she was more shocked because this confirmed she was in Naruto, an anime she knew very little about other than it had ninjas, chakra, Naruto, and hidden villages.

The girl went limp with resignation after a minute of staring ay the Hokage.  She was going to die again.  She was obviously going to be a ninja because civilians die far too easily.  She was going to be sliced open in some obscure battle and she STILL wasn't gonna make it to 21.

Toki was distressed and emotionally exhausted and her body was a baby and reacted as babies do.  A sniffle, another, and another.   Soon she was full out bawling.  She hadn't dealt with the trauma of death yet, hers and her new mother's, and she knew she was gonna be facing Shinigami-sama again and she was at the end of her rope.  She began screaming her frustrations out at this world and then, her eyes turned black again.

This startled everyone and the man holding her accidentally dropped her.   There was a sharp intake of breath, but before anyone could make a move to catch her, nothing happened.  She stayed in place in the air still raging obliviously at the world.  Eventually she cried herself to sleep and an ANBU scrambled to catch her as she started to fall.


The next day, electric blue eyes slowly opened to take in the new world around her.  Toki was resigned.  She was here and she wouldn't live very long.   Heaving a sigh, she tried to move to look around.  Her limbs were heavy a slow and movement was exhausting, she gave up after twenty minutes when she was finally able to look around and see that she was in a nursery with a few other babies.  Deciding instead to focus on going through her new body and getting used to it.  About half way through, she noticed an odd feeling, it was like something was crawling just under her skin.   It was weird and itchy.   After a few minutes of wondering if it was some side effect of birth, the answer came to her.  It was chakra.

Toki stilled at this revelation and then a Cheshire grin stretched across her face.  Oh the things she was gonna do with chakra.

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