As I Live

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The Hokage and Toki hashed out a system for the infant that would allow her social interaction with people of her  mental age AND people of her physical age while allowing her to grow as a ninja.  Basically, she became honorary ANBU, she even got her own mask, it was white with a grey line going over each eye like the no face from Spirited Away.  Toki lived in the ANBU barracks and trained with the ANBU on basics like stamina, katas, and chakra control.  She didn't actually have a schedule, she was just allowed to walk in on training sessions if the people were okay with it.  She was allowed to go and do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted.  She also got a monthly stipend from the Hokage to cover food, ninja tools, and clothes.

Toki had so much fun with her chakra. The girl's control was insane due to working on it obsessively from such a young age. And she has bigger starting pool because half of chakra comes from ones mind and experiences.  After trying to affect different elements, she learned that her chakra nature was wind.  The girl's grin at that discovery made the Hokage pity any enemies that might ever cross her path.


Five months later, Toki had had a lot of success with her projects.  She had taken advantage of her amazing control and delved into the field of medical jutsu.  It kinda helped that, in her past life, she had studied lots of basic medical texts.  She had become a junior Ski Patroler at sixteen and had gone to school for a medical career.  She had decided to start off with a biology degree and just wow was that a great decision.  One of the first medical exercises had been healing a fish.  Once she had mastered that, she experimented. Toki decided to try keeping a fish alive out of water. She circulated her chakra through the fish's skin and gills and allowed them to absorb only the oxygen the fish needs and used healing chakra to take care of any damage from dried out skin.  It took her two weeks but finally she mastered it.  After basking in her success, she moved on to keeping squirrels and bunnies alive underwater.  Toki kept going bigger and bigger until she was able to keep one of the Hokage's ape summons alive underwater (its truly amazing what puppy eyes can pull off).  Then, she kept herself alive underwater. She could fucking breath underwater.

Throughout that time, she kept up with her physical conditioning and started her taijutsu training.  Toki realized something about chakra, it holds you back during physical training.  Sure, if you enhance your muscles with chakra you can do crazy things.  The problem is people never know what level they are really at because they are always enhanced.  It makes it so much harder to actually build up muscle and you stay weak.  Toki's solution was simple.  She didn't enhance her body with chakra.  Merely the fact that she had chakra made it so much harder to get injured so she didn't have to worry too much about messing her body up.  If she tore some muscles from hours of sparring or broke a leg jumping off a roof, well, that's what medical chakra is for.

At one year old, eveyone thought the toddler girl with unnatural blue eyes was a prodigy for having low-gennin speed when in reality, if she used chakra like all the other kids, she was low-chunnin speed.  They would have flipped their shit if they knew about her medical chakra or that she could breath underwater.

Her body was old enough for Toki to actually pay attention to her looks now.  She had shoulder-length white hair and electric-blue eyes.  Her skin was unnaturally pale but she never burned.  She discovered that her appearance changes when she activates her powers.  Her eyes turn all black and so does her hair, just like Shinigami-sama.  Toki has a sick feeling that she knew where her 'kekkai genkai' came from.  So far, her powers seem to make her a ghost.  She could float/fly and pass straight through walls.  Weapons and attacks passed right through her.  Unfortunately, it took a lot of effort to actually touch anything in that state.  And...she could touch people's souls.  She figured that out from the Kumo spy.  She had touched his soul and pulled it out of his body.  When she let go, it had just, disappeared. 

Anyway, she was too young for any fitted ninja clothes so she wore a simple black kimono top that ended at the top of her thighs and grey leggings.  She wore a grey obi too. 

The village had mixed feelings on her.  Most people knew of the young prodigy.  On one hand, many people found her adorable and little Toki exploited them for all the food they would give.  On the other hand, many people found her off-putting and she seemed to send signals that tripped their instincts into telling them she was a predator and always feeling uncomfortable around her.  She didn't mind, it was true after all, and sometimes she got food from these people anyway.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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