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AnimeMagicQueen asked:
"How would Kuroo act if he thought his crush liked Kenma?"

I kinda noticed, maybe u had a typo there? just sayin' but here we go~ (i apologize for the late update ;_;)


Kuroo would probably be secretive about it at first. He would understand that [s/o] and Kenma are only friends. But when things gets a bit close between them, he'll try to keep cool about it.

Seeing his [s/o] being with close with Kenma boiled the jealousy in him. He'll keep a cool face eventually.

Once things got a bit too far from his liking...

Kuroo: Ne, [f/n], do you like Kenma?

You: Huh? Um, Why? *tilts head*

Kuroo: Oh, I'd just noticed you guys have been close lately

You: I see, I only view him as a friend though. He's nice. Why? Are you jealous? *nudges Kuroo, grinning*

Kuroo: hm, not really

((A/N: *shouts* LIES!))

Kuroo:*smirks at you* you're probably doing that to make me jealous and get you to me, eh?

You:*blushes furiously* e-eh? w-what are you talking about?! *flustered* t-that wasn't entirely--!

Kuroo:*chuckles and wraps his arms around you* Yeah, yeah, *leans his face closer to yours and whispers to your ear* Cuz' stop it, you're making things worse for me. You did a great job making me jealous. Don't do it again okay? *pulls back and looks into your eyes* Look at me only, you won't like me once I'm jealous *presses his lips to yours in a kiss*


Okay, I apologize if that was bad and a bit OoC but hey I tried lmao.

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