Social Demolition

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I got to school the next day and Liv acted like nothing happened. I asked her if there was anything she wanted to tell me and she said "No, why would there be?" I ignored it for a minute but I couldn't just leave it be. She was meant to be my best friend and she just betrayed me like I meant nothing to her. How could she do this to me? "What do you mean, Why would there be? You know that when you do something that would hurt your best friend, you would probably tell her what's going on?

"What are you talking ab..." I watched as the colour disappeared from her face and she just looked at me blankly. "I was going to tell you I promise I was just waiting for the right time!"

"Oh really and when was the right time?"

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." tears began to fill her eyes.

"Sorry that you did it or sorry that I found out, do you even care what you have done" I began to cry, I was angry and upset and I felt worthless.

"Did you actually believe that he cared about you? He was just using you and is throwing you away like trash, He's an asshole!"

"If he's such an asshole why do you still like him? You don't actually care about me you are just jealous, buy hey, you weren't going to do anything with him anyway I was just doing what you we too scared to do!"

I screamed, "ahh! I hate you, you are a stupid slut and I never want to see your face ever again!" I ran off as the tears rolled down my face.

Audrey and Evelyn followed me and tried to calm me down, they were two of my closest girlfriends. Something that really surprised me was that Zoe and Abbie stayed with Liv. I didn't think about that until I was at the back of the oval. By this stage I was balling, my best guy friend, Aiden was playing footy on the oval and ran over to me when he saw me crying. Audrey and Evelyn always told me how cute Aiden and I would be together but I always said that we were just friends and brushed it off. I told Aiden everything and he said to me, "Liv can be a bitch sometimes." I even tried to defend her, but that wasn't the worst part.

I then had to go to the same class as Liv and Kyle. I was a mess so luckily Evelyn always carries her makeup with her. I touched up my makeup in the bathroom and went to my locker. It was normally just Liv and I at the table and I liked it that way, if we had a fight we still sat together because she didn't like everyone knowing her business. This I didn't like so sometimes I would sit my some of my other friends from my class, who I didn't hang out with at lunch. I walked into the class to put my books on their table but Liv was already sitting there. She didn't even like those girls, she sat there to make me jealous. For the rest of the class she flirted with Kyle right in front of me, I just glared at her as I sat alone.

The bell finally rang for the end of the day, I didn't want to be there anymore. I caught the bus home from school as per usual but for some strange reason Abbie wouldn't move her bag for me to sit down, I sat alone for a moment that was until Kyle walked all the way past his friends, up to the back of the bus, just to sit next to me. I looked up at him with my bag on the seat. The bus was leaving so, he picked my bag up and put it on the floor.

I looked out the window as he began to talk to me, I was in my school dress as it was summer and suddenly felt a shiver up my spine he was running his finger up my thigh as he chatted me up. I was mortified that he would dare do this to me. I attempted to say something as I was interrupted. He kissed me and I could no longer talk. He pushed me up against the window and slipped his hand up my dress. I felt sick to my stomach and pulled away. He pulled me in and kissed me again, this time I could not pull away. I was disconcerted. Everyone turned as I broke free of his hands.

They were astonished as what happened the previous night had managed to make its way around the whole school by now and mine and Liv's fight was the hot gossip of the school. I had never been so humiliated in my life and Abbie sat in her seat and called me names under her breath. Zoe's behaviour didn't really surprise me, but this was completely out of character for Abbie. You had to do something really bad to piss Abbie off and she was furious.  When I got home from the bus, as I unlocked the door my phone made different notification sounds. My Wi-Fi connected. I had a really long message from Abbie saying I deserve everything I get and that I am going to regret kissing her boyfriend, Mason. She said some pretty horrible things but I replied calmly even though I was confused that she would accuse me of these things.

'Abbie do you really think I would do this to you, we have been friends for 11 years and you honestly believe I could be so heartless. I don't know who told you this, but they are wrong and besides Mason is crazy about you. You have been together for 10 months, if he wanted to cheat he would have already. I'm sorry that you think this but it never happened.'

'That's not what Liv told me, she said that you were all over him at Lily's party and just couldn't resist you.'

'Have you even asked Mason this yet? Come on, this is ridiculous do you not understand how angry I am about what Liv did to me? As if I would do that to one of my best friends.'

'What do you mean it's not a big deal what happened between them? You are over exaggerating!'

'OMG! What do you mean it's not a big deal? She slept with the guy I have liked for two whole years, she is meant to be my best friend.'

'Ruby I'm sorry, she told me that they were both drunk and kissed each other for like a second. She lied to me Rubes I'm sorry!'

'AHHHH! She is a manipulative little bitch and I hate her. She is turning all of my friends against me and I never want to see her face again!'

'OK, does that mean we are no longer fighting because I hate fighting with you?'

Yes, definitely I hate fighting with you and I just want you and Mason to be happy.'

'OMG Ruby ILY'


After Abbie and I made up I looked at my Instagram, Facebook the Snapchat. First I saw Kyle's story with five snaps that read;

'Not too bad babe'

'Even better in bed than I thought'

'Let's fuck again sometimes'

'Maybe next time you should bring your friend to watch'

'Only coz she's so obsessed with me.'

I was disgusted but I kept looking at everyone else's stories. Zoe's was next which said;

'How disgusted I am that a "friend'' is so jealous and doesn't care about anyone but her self'

'Only in your dreams would she fuck you, it was only a kiss'

'Too bad they aren't besties anymore she would have loved to watch.'

Finally Olivia Watson's story;

You wish jellyfish'

'Never in a million years'

'It's pretty cute what you're telling everyone, was just a kiss.'

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