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Marceline's eyes began to twitch due to the sun shining through her black curtains. The light wasn't enough to scorch her pail skin, but it still left her moaning in her thick violet covers. She laid there for a while, slowly adjusting to the radiance.

Twenty or so minutes later, she found herself roaming in her living room yawning. It was a simple little room that any normal person would have. A TV for entertainment, coffee table's with lamps place upon them, and even a two seated couch, which by the way had her basket of strawberries she left from yesterday's night.

The young vampire immediately took the berries and put them in her refrigerator, stealing one in the process. As she sucked up the ruby colored substance, she began to think about what to do today.

Well, I could mess with finn the female thought to herself. She felt the need to hang out with a friend since she pretty much hadn't done that in a while. I wonder what they're doing today.

She then got dressed for the day, putting on a nicely fitted black and white striped, long sleeved shirt which complemented her ripped black skinny jeans. Some black converse were placed upon her feet. She didn't really do much to her hair. It just fell loosely down her body, barley touching the floor as she floated in the air.

The girl didn't always wear completely black; it was just one of those days. Usually, she would add a tint of red, purple, or even blue to the dark shade. Even so, she couldn't deny that she looked pretty great; dark and dangerous, yet nice and innocent, as she likes to say.

All that was left to do was cover her hands and face from the harsh rays of the sun.

The purple umbrella was spotted leaning by her front door. Once it was seen from her peripheral vision, she instantly grabbed it and made her way out the door.

She let loose the folds of the umbrella and it instantly sprung out, giving the vampire a startle. After that, she continued her way there, floating past leaves that swept past her feet, some weird looking animals that seemed to go about their daily lives, and some nice green trees that shook with the wind. It was a nice day to go about some fun activities.

The raven haired girls mind began to drift as she levitated. Her mind started to linger towards Marshall Lee, the notorious egotistic vampire that has seemed to very well make himself known to the vampire queen.

She began to wonder what he was doing at this moment. A guy such as himself doesn't seem like the type who would stay at home, doing nothing. He is probably more or less flirting with other girls or perhaps he is chilling with some friends.

Why Marceline was thinking of him, she had no idea. He just kind of popped into her mind. Though, her opinion of him totally changed compared to their first encounter. She realized that he can be kind, sympathetic, and she will admit, he can also be fun to mess around with. But he still had a side that can make her skin crawl with anger.

He had his ups and downs like all creatures in this world, but there was just something that he had that no one else had. What that was, she had no idea and it bothered her.

She pondered this for the rest of the way there.


"Yo, Finn," Marceline knocked on the humans wooden door, getting no answer in response. It was complete silence, "Dude, you home?" she asked with another set of knocks. Yet again, no sound came out. It was almost as if they weren't home.

Just when she was about to leave, the door suddenly flew open, revealing a boy. He wore a cute snow white bear looking hat that covered his blond locks of hair and a light blue shirt with a pair of dark blue shorts.

"What's up Marceline," he casually said with a familiar smile that probably could brighten anyone's day. There behind the boy was an orange dog, who is by the way was Finn's best friend Jake.

"Nothin much, just wondering if you guys are doing anything today."

The blond haired boy and the dog shared a look at one another then spoke, "Well, we were about to head to the Candy Kingdom. If you want to come, you can." He welcomed the dark girl.

Marceline never really did like the Candy Kingdom. To her, it was bright and way too happy for its own good. Not to mention the disgustingly sweet aroma that lingered in the air, but it wasn't all too bad. They did make some nice red deserts that satisfied her taste.

Even so, what really popped in her mind was Princess Bubblegum. Not her most favorite person in her book. Bubblegum was, how should she say, was a perfectionist. Everything revolved around science and facts. There was no way around it. She was the perfect one, the goddess of her people. Not to mention her goody, goody attitude that seemed to tick off the vampire sometimes. In a way, you could say she was Marceline's opposite. Put the Vampire Queen and the princess of the Candy Kingdom in the same room together and you could visually tell that they were totally different people.

It's not like Marceline hated her or anything. They just tend to get into pointless arguments that would rile each other up.

She didn't even know if they could call each other friends, friendemies, or even acquaintances, but Marceline didn't care. She just went with the flow of things, but they did have their good monents.

But seeing as the queen had nothing else to do, Marceline accepted the humans offer.

"Mathmatical!" Finn air fisted with excitement. "Alright, then let's go!"


"Greetings! I'm so glad you're here!" The pink haired girl said innocently. "But I didn't know Marceline was coming as well."

Finn put up a smile at the princess and said "Yea! Marcy here wanted to tag along! Right?"

"Just didn't have anything else to do." The vampire queen shrugged casually as Bubblegum started to welcome them in.

Bubblegum, A.K.A Bonnibel, was wearing pink as usual. She wore a normal princess dress that was pretty much fit for the Candy Kingdom's ruler. It went perfectly well with her golden crown and her pink completion.

Practically anybody could tell who she was, even if they saw her from a far distance. All they would have to see were girly features and all kinds of pink shades.

Even her castle was made out of pink and not to mention it was made out of candy as well.

Yep, there's that sweet aroma, the dark haired girl thought as she just floated around the corridor. "Sooo, why are we here?" She questioned them.

Jake answered as his little dog feet pit pattered against the ground, "PB wanted me and Finn to do something. We're not really sure what it is though."

"But what ever it is, we are going to kick butt!" Finn said excitedly as he started air punching.

"There won't be any of this butt kicking today, I just need you guys to go check something out for me, but before I explain, we need to go to my lab." Bubblegum said as she led the whole group towards her science room.

"Cool," the vampire responded.

Till next time guys~

The Story of Two Vampires (Marceline x Marshall Lee)Where stories live. Discover now