Helping hand(IMAGNE2)

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You walk into classroom and you apologise for your lateness. Your teacher looks at you up and down but doesn't say anything ,you bow your head meekly and walk up the aisle to your seat. Nobody in the room looks at you ,some murmur words and some whisper but yet no one looks you in the eye. You sit on your chair in silence and you take out your history book. You are writing the title of the lesson when you see a boy gazing at you with worry etched on his face . You look at him dumbfounded wondering if he can see that your eyes are still red from crying ,so you blink and look away. As you continue to write , you start to think deeply about recent events ,about things that have gone wrong because of your own stupidity and the problems you have caused by not doing as good as you should've done. you think to yourself 'I am trying but I 'm just not good enough'. You bite your lip and feel the tears well up in your eyes and before you cry you raise your hand and ask to use the toilet. When you go to say 'thank you ' your voice cracks the slightest bit and immediately his head raises up and his eyebrows furrow in deep worry. The teacher tells you to hurry back and gives you a hall pass in your journal.

You speed down the hall, allowing the hot fresh tears to stream down your face and when you reach the under the secluded stairs you sit down and begin to weep. you bury your feet in your chest and you close your eyes and cry . you cry about how dumb you feel, you cry for not being good enough and you cry for the stupidity you feel deep inside your soul. You continue to cry, when you hear your name being called through the halls .Then as you go to close you eyes to stop the tears escaping ,you see a boy looking around the hall calling your name . you ignore his calling and continue to cry ,when he spots you and rushes over to you . "Y/N" he cries and you turn your head away from him , In hopes he can't see the tears on your face. you keep your head turned and hold your breath to ensure that he can't make out that your crying . "Y/N please tell me what's wrong , I can help you I promise , if you let me in then we can figure it out together ".  you bite your lip and tears continue to stream down your face when you say , "I'm not good enough". When he doesn't stop you ,you continue " like I'm trying to achieve ,I'm trying to make myself and everyone happy and I just feel like if its good one day , then its bad the next and I just feel like I'm part of this big test and I'm actually failing so bad , like legit I'm failing the big test and I don't t know if I want to be part of a test I'm clearly failing " you say and your voice cracks and you cry again. He sits down next to you puts your head on his shoulder and you bury your head into his chest. After a while your sobs get lower and he says " your not failing y/n your trying , like every other human and if you think your not good enough , well I'm here to tell you that you are ".  "you are so strong you always hide your emotions and only show a few people and your so hard on yourself its actually unbelievable , like you think the worst possible things about yourself In every situation but the best for everyone else and  I don't know why " . you look up and him for a second and reply quietly " its easier that way ".

He  lifts your head and stares at you and says " you cant always think your on , your own cuz your not and regardless of what you , think I might say or do I have got your back through it all, you can count on me i'll be there all day everyday , just call my name and he begins to sing . you laugh and go to kiss him on the cheek but instead at the last minute you kiss his lips instead . shocked he says " wooah" to which you smile and begin to laugh. you stick your tongue out and say "sorry" .For what he replies you kissed me and im happy as hell, you then thank him and you two sit in each others arms for a moment before you decide to walk back to class.

Once walking into the class , you take your seat and continue with the lesson and ever so often he looks at you and winks and you feel your self blush and that's when you know in your heart that so long as he has your back there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel.

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