Truly Madly Deeply (Boyfriend Imagines 4 )

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He drops his suitcase onto his bed and looks around. Its the first time you've been over since he got back from holiday and your ready to tell him the secret that could make or break your friendship.

He begins to unpack his suitcase ,taking out clothes, Polaroids and souvenirs until he gets to a necklace and he stops.Its a thin silver necklace with a small heart locket attached to it with cursive embroidery .He stares at the necklace twirling it around in his
,forgetting your there so you clear your throat . As soon as you clear your throat he stuffs the necklace into his pocket and begins to whistle a tune. so you go "whats that in your hand ?". He looks at you confused and shrugs " I don't know what your taking about?" .you reply" I fully just saw you with a silver necklace in your hand ,who's it for your mum , your friend, your secret girlfriend,me"? The me comes out almost like a squeak and you have to clear your throat before you talk again ,but before you do he scratches the back of his neck and goes "I'm not sure ,who its for it just looked nice so I bought it ,its mostly a souvenir for myself "..... you highly doubt that answer and you can tell there is something hes hiding from you but you just don't know what .Then it dawns on you ,"you bought this for someone special didn't you?" he doesn't answer straight away ,the shock evident in his eyes then he plays it of with a smirk by saying "maybe".

You don't know how to reply ,you just feel the anger rush straight through you getting right into your bones, he bought this necklace for someone special ,like a girlfriend , your own best friend has a secret girlfriend and you were about to tell him you were in love with him. You clench your fists and try to control yourself but the anger keeps seeping through ,so you ask her name. "whats her name then " you ask coldly .He looks at you funny and leave his suitcase and comes to sit beside you on the bed. " Y/N are you okay? "he asks concern etched on his face ."If I upset you I'm sorry you know that's not what I intended to do , although I'm not quite sure why your pissed ,if i'm being quite honest". Its true you don't have any reason to be pissed in his eyes and everyone else's your just friends nothing else and nothing more ,but that's in their eyes in your hes the love of your life your everything. "y/n" he goes but you cut him of .

"I think I'm in love with you "........

He looks at you for a moment and it's like he'd seen a ghost ,he looked petrified and he just kept staring right into your eyes ,staring as though that was all he was capable of doing . You know your in deep so you continue ."I've been in love with you for exactly 1 year 2 months and 8 days " you laugh nervously at how precisely you remember when you first fell for him, you watch as his mouth goes agape as he hears how long you've held a secret like that . "At first it was just a crush, but the closer we got the more I realised that I was in love with you and that you were the one for me you understand me and I understand you .We like the same things act the same way , we are made for each other and sure as hell do you piss me of and do we have disagreements but it was in those disagreements I realised I loved you and it was in that moment of pure recklessness when you tried to justify something that didn't make any sense but was so indented with passion I realised I was absolutely in love with you and i couldn't live with myself without letting you know how much you mean to me" you finish breathlessly .

There's silence in the air and you feel the tension getting thicker and thicker you pray he says something but he doesn't he just sits in silence . seconds go by and they turn into minutes and after what feels like forever you speak up because the silence is driving you crazy . " H/N ,please say something,say anything if you don't feel the same way i'll understand ,just please don't leave me in this silence wondering its driving me crazy " you begin to sob . He sighs rubbing his hand through his hair and says through seething teeth " how could you ?" ." How could you look at me everyday and pretend that you weren't in love with me , how could you walk around my house in my clothes ,eat the breakfast I made you and not tell me , he stutters." how could you sleep in my bed and cuddle with me and have me oblivious to the fact that you were in love with me , all whilst I was trying stop my heart from beating at 100 mph?" You stare at him and see the hurt in his eyes . "I was in love with you too, heck I still am but I can't do this because you ,clearly didn't love me enough to tell me how you felt even if it was a minor crush you just played it all of as thought it was nothing to you ,like I meant nothing to you" The truth is hurting you too much so you let everything go you let him hear all that's on your mind.

"I was afraid ,that you wouldn't feel the same way,I mean its happened before and I just couldn't bear it to happen again ,you mean too much to me to let you slip away ,I'm sorry I hurt you I just didn't want to hurt myself for once I couldn't let my heart get broken again not when I finally forgot what its like " you sob ,deeply. He looks at you and sees how strong you are for all the battles you have won .He goes "I'm in love with you because you told me that's what I should be ,all those jokes were hints i get that now and I know you've been hurt and I wont hurt you " you see I've seen you be broken by people and I love you too much to ever do that to me ,so trust me when I say I am truly in love with you and all your flaws,in fact I love them and I want to be with you forever and ever so will you be my girlfriend?" you look at him flabbergasted you never expected this to happen in your wildest dreams you lean closer to him and he touches you cheek and gently places his lips on yours. The kiss is slow at first ,your lips weave in and out of each other as you try to explore this brand new place that is each others lips .Your lips begin to work faster and then he slowly slides his tongue in your mouth and you surprisingly weave you tongue in and out of his .you move closer so that you have a better grip and he holds onto you running his hands up and down the inside of your shirts and you run your hands through his head. he slowly lays you down on the bed and climbs on top of you and deepens the kiss electricity coursing through your brain, you give it all you've got kissing him as deeply and as passionately as you can .he kisses you one last time and then stares down at you and goes "Woow" ....

"Wooww ,what " you ask and he laughs . was that your first kiss , he goes "yea" you reply .Well if that's your first kiss and you kiss like that I'm gonna have to keep you close before anyone else finds out and i actually have to fight for you , you know because that would be kind of long.......... he goes and you hit him with the pillow before he could finish " you idiot " you say , " but you love me" he goes and you think I really do love him , you think to yourself I love him truly ,madly and of course deeply.

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