The Prologue

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    So now going to purge our land of this witch or monster as some call her. she seems nothing but an ordinary girl with a dark past.
    This girl named Serenity Rose is said to be practicing witchcraft and doing the devil's work. what i see is a young girl of sixteen years with long dark brown hair with hints of a burning red and a light blonde. Her skin fair and white as snow with her big ocean clear eyes that are under her fringed bangs. She is a spitting image of her older sister Elizabeth Rose, bless her soul.
    Elizabeth was just as kind hearted, everyone loved her and wanted to be like her . She like Serenity had dark brown hair but it was shorter and kept in a braid, her hair twisted with the mix of blonde and brown. Her eyes big and green as the grass we walk on. She was about the age of twelve when the fire happened. what a sad for the Rose family everyone dead but the youngest. Now Serenity's has ill mental emotional and physical health, the fire did take something from her.
    Going with the young Serenity on her journey to be pure of course the Minister Thomas. He is very well known for being kind hearted and warm. The warmth out of his heart is very powerful. He has silver hair short cut in a bob style. He is in his early 30's and is a leader of the church. What is weird is how he seems to stare at Serenity body a lot. It is very unlike him. He is also a rather slim man with no facial hair and has deep blue eyes.
Also going is the Priest Christopher who is the aid to Thomas. He seems to be glaring at the young lady. He has short hair but blonde and with green eyes and he is built and handsome. Any girl will love him who wouldn't. He is in his mid 20's. He is the tallest of all that is going to the trip.
By instruction of christopher he wanted a cop to be with them incase anything happens. The cop named Joseph has a big gut from eating too many donuts. He is balding and in his mid 50s. His job is to keep everyone safe incase Serenity tries any funny business.
They all pass by as I read the newspaper from right years ago about the big Rose fire. The house engulfed with flames no one knows what it who caused the spark to start. Serenity was able to make it out but her parents trapped in there trying to get Elizabeth out, it was said she didn't even get out of her room. Poor girl she lost everything her house and a loving family, causing people to believe her loneliness caused her to turn to the devils aid.

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