The Tale of the Witch

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This journey is cause by the fire. It's not my choice to go but apparently I must. I was already burned once at the age of eight and the of melting my skin, the smell of burnt flesh is disgusting, my skin was nearly blackened and charred with scars. I wish not to experience that again, so I agreed. The first burning is when I lost everything, the house that made me the family who loved me and most importantly my pureness.
The family that loved me, my older sister, my father, my mother all burnt to ash. My older sister Elizabeth was said to not have even escaped her bedroom. She was beautiful with her short brown hair and green eyes many people compared me to her after the passing. They claimed that my cat had started the fire but I know that was untrue because my cat was in my room the night of the fire. Someone wanted my family dead. For the reason of the crime, of rape, and the punishment need to be given but not to me the victim of the crimes.
I was not the rape victim, my sister was the one tortured with that crime. Her rapist who is still out there, went into our house and rape and incapacitated my sister. For I know she never locked her bedroom door. Then who ever did the crime must have started the fire to hide the truth, they wanted to kill us all.
Ever since I started practicing witchcraft Elizabeth has been speaking to me. She has been helping and guide me to the truth about that day. She wants justice for our family and she wants me to give them that. One of the times she spoke to me she said, " Make your survival mean something or we are all damned,". It's all up to to me now there is no one else to get justice. So i had no choice being forced to take this journey distracting me from finding the truth. Perhaps this journey can help me figure it out.
Could the nice Minister know anything about who dislikes my family so much. Minister Thomas is a very nice man very well talked of in the church. He must know something about the fire. "Good minister may we speak," I asked him some questions. As I started asking them I noticed his eyes following not my words but my body. Then as I look past him I see his aid the Priest Christopher gaze my way with hate and disgust. It's understandable because of the witchcraft I have done but I feel like I know him from somewhere but I can not place the face. He saw me looking at him and studying his face and he quickly turned his back to me. I thought i saw some sweat on his temple, it is not hot today so it makes no sense to be sweating. I continued asking my questions but he was little to no help seems everyone has forgotten about my family even existing.
" I still do not see why we need a cop here, I am not going to put a spell or curse any of you," I said as I looked at the cop. The cop sitting on the grass eating a donut, I say that is one too many donuts. The cop is not very fit so I conclude he will be very little to no help with helping me find the truth. I remember my sister saying to me " You can only trust yourself now," so maybe i should not try to involve others. It would be nice to have others help.
We started to travel to the church and I am getting so tired. " I'm so bored," I said as I play with the dirt kicking it around. We traveled till night time as we set up our tents to sleep in, I made mine with no problem the others I can not say the same for. Minister Thomas comes over to me " Serenity I seemed to forget my tent may I share yours," I looked at the men and I nodded in agreement thinking nothing of it. Soon I fell right asleep and sometime later i felt cold boney finger on my neck. It was Minister Thomas grabbing at me I screamed and ran to the lake nearby and looked at my reflection.
I see that I am white skinned and widen eyed as I fall to the ground. Elizabeth formed from my reflection, "Serenity" she goes to hug me but I can not feel her warmth like I once could. "Please be careful on this trip someone is not how they appear," she says as she fades away, "I will alway be here with you".
I look back at the reflection and I see a shadow behind and a rope around my neck as it grew tighter as i scream out in pain and fear, "Help please someone,".
When I came to, I saw that I was on a cross being burned. "What is going on" I say as I try to break free from the ropes. I see the same shadow that knocked me out and it is Christopher. "You stupid girls you should have died in the fire with your family but like you sister you fight against me,". "What, your the one who started the fire," I start remembering stuff from the past and I recall that he had always liked Elizabeth enough to kill. I see that I am still near the lake and I think of an escape plan. I start to wait for the fire to burn the rope, the fire is so hot it's melting my skin turning it to ash. The ropes snaps and I escape and I start a struggle with Christopher. Being a man he starts overpowering me and his Binet hands go around my neck and start taking my breath away. Elizabeth appears out of the lake and helps me fight back as I push him into the lake as she holds into him and makes him drown. I think to myself about how thankful that I took the tape recorder from the cop and I got his confession on tape.
The sun peeks up from the horizon as it is now down. I feel the weight that was pushing me down finally gone. "Finally , things are right," I return back to the tent and tell the cop about what happened and showed him the tape recorder, " sorry you had to go through that again," the minister said as he touched my hand and it there was warmth there. I felt it a small drop of water from my eyes, I was crying, I hadn't cried for eight years and now finally at peace it all comes out. " I had no idea he had done that Ms. Rose" Thomas said, " I know now let get to the church," I reply with a smile.
Getting to the church and repents for sinning the devil's book was peaceful. It was now certain I wouldn't use my powers for much anything else. " now Ms. Rose rise as pure as the white snow and live long," said Thomas as he draws a cross on my forehead during the purification process. "Thank you" I replied.
Thomas and I go to my family's graves and we pray every Sunday and I never stop thinking of them all that they have suffered. I still shed a tear but of joy finally everything and everyone is at peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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