Chapter 3

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AN: Okay, so when I wrote chapter 3, I realized that it was seriously long, so im going to split it into 2 chapters..... or parts.

"You and me, and me and you, no matter how we toss the dice, it had to be...." Jordan sang with his beautiful voice.

No, Jordan in person wasn't in my room, it was just Clair's phone alarm. It was 7am, very early for teenager standards.

I yawned, and tiredly got out of bed, only to find Clair still sleeping soundly on her mattress.

"Clair," I said as I kneeled beside her ,"We are going to see Jordan today, wake up!" Immediately her eyes flung open, which made me jump.

"OH MY GOD! I almost forgot about that!" she exclaimed as she literally jumped out of her mattress. She took her phone to turn off the alarm.

"You have been awake the whole time? You scared me!"

She laughed, "Not really, I woke up when the alarm sounded, but I forgot it was the camp today so I just continued lying on my bed, listening to his voice." she looked at me in a dreamy way, thinking about Jordan.

I ignored her zoned-out face and went over to the curtains and pushed them to a side so that the warm sunlight could flood in the room. One light ray happened to shine on my notebook and pen, which were sitting on my desk. It caught my attention and I went over to pick them up.

"Are you going to bring that?" Clair asked, apparently she was now out of her dream land.

"Yeah, it's cool to keep a journal around during camp, plus I can draw stuff." I said as I stuffed both items into the front pocket of my bag, the only part which has space left.

Just then, my mom barged into my room, again.

"It's good to see both of you are awake, now go brush your teeth, your breakfast is already on the table." The both of us had no choice but to follow her orders.

~35 minutes and 1 (not so disgusting) breakfast later~

"This.... Thing.... Is...... Heavy....." I complained as I carried my haversack on both shoulders. Clair was also having the same problem. My mom opened the car boot and we plonked our bags inside. We then hopped in the car and relaxed in the back seats, the air con blowing in our faces.

"Make yourself comfortable, it isn't going to take long, but it will be a bit.... bumpy," my mom said as she buckled up in the driver seat. I stared off into the road while Clair fiddled around with something she was carrying in her hands. I don't know what it is, her fingers covered most of the object, and I forgot to ask her what it was.

And off we went to camp laguna.

Camp Jordan (Jordan maron/Captainsparklez)Where stories live. Discover now