Chapter 14- Final Chapter!

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Chapter 14 

Clair sighed as she stuffed a plastic bag full of dirty clothes in her bag, "It's the last day of camp today. I'm going to miss Jordan."

We were in our sleeping quarters, packing our bags. Soon, we were going to leave camp.

I yawned, "Me too."

"You have been yawning a lot for the past five hours." She took the customizable alarm clock (It read 11:30am) and pressed a few buttons.

"I didn't sleep last night." I said, lying on my bed, resting. I had already packed the night before since I still couldn't sleep, but the bad news is that I would be dead tired in the morning.

"Oh yeah, it's that thing right?" The alarm clock turned off and she placed it in her bag.

"Mmrf, now let me get some rest." I mumbled and dozed off.

I woke up some time later (not sure how much time though). Clair was sitting at the edge of my bed, her bag slung over her shoulder.

"WAKE UP!" she poked me. "Everyone's leaving!" I turned my head and saw everyone leaving the room.

I sat straight up and swooped my bag up. "Let's go!" I said, pulling her out if the room.

"That nap did you some good." She laughed, letting me pull her. "Why the rush?"

When we were away from the other girls, I told her, "Jordan. Once everyone reaches there, we won't have a chance to talk to Jordan."

"Ah I see." She quickened her pace.

When we barged into the air-con room, the same one we went into on the first day, we found Jordan relaxing on a chair. He was the only one in the room.

I fished out my notebook and pen, flipped to an empty page and passed it to him, "Sign it quickly, the others are coming. Do one for Clair too on another piece of paper." Jordan nodded and started scribbling.

Clair looked grateful, "Thank you."

I got back the book from Jordan and thanked him. He nodded and the both of us settled on an empty spot near Jordan.

I opened the notebook and ripped out a piece of paper with Jordan's signature and Clair's name on it. I glanced at it, it was a letter. She took the paper from my hand and read it, smiling to herself. I told myself that I would read mine once I got home.

A few were already swarming in the room. They placed their bags down and started talking to Jordan.

I ripped out a blank sheet and wrote a short note to Jordan.

Dear Jordan,

Thanks for last night. I really appreciate it.


I wrote down my email address (Yeah right Emily, it's like he would email you). I knew he wouldn't write to me but.... I just wanted it there. Just in case.

Below the email address, I drew him. I drew Jerry, his Minecraft skin, his logo and other random pictures. Lots and lots of doodles.

Most of them were here by now, they were crowding around Jordan, just like I forecasted. It's better to pass it to him later.

The instructors then came in and many things happened. They gave us back our valuables.

Clair kissed her phone when she got hers back, "Finally!"

People were now asking each other for their email addresses, phone numbers and whatnot. I got Diana's and Jake's phone number. Many people asked for Jordan's number/email but he refused and apologized. They looked disappointed but didn't pester him further.

Soon, it was time to leave. Hugs were exchanged and goodbyes were said.

I hugged Diana as she left for the carpark, "Miss ya."

She hugged back, "Miss you too. By the way, Jake told me everything that happened at the night walk just now. I may never see Jordan the same way again. Seriously, it must be a sight to see Jordan carrying a girl like that." The both of us laughed.

She hugged Clair and went towards Jake, who was waiting for her at a side. They both headed to the car park together.

Clair shouted, "You have to invite us to your wedding!" Jake looked back and stuck his tongue out.

One by one they left. My dad messaged me, saying he would be late. Soon, it was only the two of us left. Well not actually two, but three. There was still Jordan.

Jordan was wearing those shades again. Clair quickly took the camera out of my bag and gave it to me hurriedly.

"QUICK! Take a picture!" I fumbled around with the camera and took the pictures.

"Hey!" Jordan said, taking off his shades, "I know I look fabulous in these but I was unprepared!"

He then put his shades back on and did a pose, "Now you can take those pictures." I took them and Clair and I burst out laughing.

I passed the note to him, still giggling, "It's for you."

Jordan kept the note in his pocket and hugged me, "Thank you!"

Clair complained, "I want a hug too!"

"Alright, alright there are enough hugs for the both of you." Jordan said as he hugged her.

"Much better," she said.

"I've got to leave now, bye!" Jordan waved, heading towards his own car.

"Bye Jordan! We will miss you!" Clair waved back. I joined her. His car went out of the gates a few minutes later.

"Damn that car looks cool," Clair commented.

It was the two of us left. There was a car driving through the gates. My dad's car. We ran towards him when he stopped the car.

"How was your camp?" My dad asked as he placed our bags in the car boot.

"Really. Really fun. I enjoyed it!" I said. If this camp had no Jordan, I wouldn't have enjoyed it.

"Me too."

"That's good!" My father closed the car boot and Clair and I hopped in the back seat and my father drove off.

After he dropped off Clair, we returned back to our house. Ah, home sweet home.

I ran up the stairs to my room and dumped my bag aside, notebook in hand. I opened the notebook and found a letter and his autograph inside. The letter read.....

Dear Emily,

I am thankful that i got the chance to talk to you during camp. You are a really lovely girl. By the way, I took a look at some of your drawings in your notebook, Clair told me you were good at art (forgive me, I was too curious) and it looks wonderful! Draw more! (and sing more too! haha) I really hope I do get to meet you again someday!

Love, Jordan


AN: My first complete fanfic. I am so proud of myself.

Btw please read the "IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!" chapter! It's really important!

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