Ice Breakers

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My deadly job started with my relationship with the school doctor. I say relationship; it was rather forced and brutal. I wish not to remember the scenes that lead to this. The lies, the deciet, the lessons I learnt. It all plays through so vividly in my head, like a candle burning down to a stump in the night.

It started on the first day of highschool... I had been admitted to a boarding school; st. Annabel Rosebud. Only fifty places were available and I was one of the lucky few out of a thousand applicants. There, we would learn the core subjects on a higher level, and all sorts of new studies that wouldn't help us in life, but aid in making us look more intelligent.

We were divided into two classes: 9J and 9O. The former was for the smarter of the pupils, like I, and the latter was for the rest. In my class were a small handful of asians and a lot of European kids in a ratio of about 1:5, as well as Africans and three multi-race students.

The building itself was made of white marble and the floor was a black and white checkered pattern. All the lights were sparkling chandeliers, hanging from chains of silver, holding candlesticks that stood in an upright, uptight and regal manner. The doors had a master colour of white and auric, with plaques of what seemed like legitimate gold. Though, as I examined it closely, it was fools gold. The door handles also followed this auric-like material.

As I entered my large classroom, our homeroom teacher gave me a soft smile and gestured for me to come in. Hesitantly, I entered the classroom, which shared the white and gold theme. Desks were of solid cherry oak wood and each were placed so that they were evenly spaced out.
"You must be Elise DeCrux?" He beamed. I cringed at the sound of my own name. It sounded posh. And elegant. And upper class. I wasn't any of those.
"Yes, sir." I replied politely. He gave another wide smile and lead me to the seat I had in class, which was in the corner; near the window.
"Now that we are all here, shall we introduce ourselves and give a small fact? I'm your teacher, Mr. Youngman. How unfortunate that I have a name that contradicts my age." he chuckled as the class stayed awkwardly silent.

"Uhm.. I'm Claire Williams... and I ran someone over with a go-kart..." A timid asian girl spoke. She looked thai, but not fully. Maybe she was half british? The teacher gave another hearty laugh and moved on to the next class member.
"I'm Victor Smith. Yes, hello, hello. I got ran over by a go-kart." he declared, loudly and proudly, mockingly glaring at Claire. He seemed very verbose.
"We've found the culprit then." One of the students grinned. The class exchanged a few smirks amongst themselves. It was my turn now. Should I try to be funny? Or should I play it cool?
"I'm Elise DeCrux and I have... I like... I... umm..." I started. I could feel the heat rising to my face, and the expectant eyes all one me. My mind melted. What do I do? They're staring. I need to do something. I need to--
"Uhm... Meow...". The teacher sensed my discomfort and smiled at me politely.
"Okay, well, you have your timetables. If you're ever lost, ask one of the older students. They'll be more than happy to help."

I sat and mentally punched myself during English. I just meowed in front of the whole class. English was just more icebreakers, using quotes from books and such. We had the whole 'write your name on this sticker and stick it on your uniform, forget it's there, and then get laughed at by the older students, knowing you're the new pupils.' Fiasco going on.

I kept fucking up in the ice breakers, and ended up meowing more. It was only during fourth period in Spanish that a teacher picked up on my excess of sweating and anxiety.
"Go to the school doctor. He might be able to give you advice." said Mrs. Marther, worriedly. She handed me a hall pass and I made my way weakly to the infirmary.

It didn't smell like pungent medicine as I expected, but like cinnamon ginger. At a large, white desk sat a man with long, blonde and unrealistically straight locks that stopped just short of the waist. He was in a white labcoat and seemed to be writing down something important. Feeling my presence, he turned to look at me, pushing the rim of his black glasses upwards. As I took a long, hard look at his facial features, I blushed, however it was hidden by my already heated face. He was the epitome of handsome.

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