Found Cause

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I wondered; why is it that everytime I talk to the doctor, I felt...contempt, as if he treated me like no other...
Was I...
Falling in love with him? Impossible... Well, it was no use lying to myself. I was falling in love with him. But he wouldn't like me back, never mind love. It's a seven year difference... I bet I look like a mere child in comparison to him. Wait, he was a licensed doctor for a school aged twenty one, maybe even younger? Must have been a prodigy.


I could give him home made chocolates on Valentines day. No harm in it, right? Just a small teacher crush? He wouldn't notice, what with all the chocolates he gets from the other girls. Just for my own enjoyment... I knew he was popular because of how he looked, I mean, it had been two years already. Time flies fast when you're having fun.

I held the lilac bag of chocolates in my hand. Home made, with a lot of care. I had wrapped a green tag around it too, complete with a ribbon. Green was his favourite colour. I made sure he wouldn't know it was me; I made sure my name wasn't on it and that no hair had lay on the bag as well as learning to tie ribbons differently than my usual bow. The tag itself was bought from a store, and not one of my special tags he has seen me use before. It read:
"To Doctor Vincent; Please be my Valentine"
Satisfied, I left it on his desk, and scurried back to work.

The door opened, and in came a grouchy Doctor.
"Hello doctor." I smiled. He ignored my greeting and sat at his desk, throwing all the chocolates away that didn't appeal to him by sight.
"To Doctor Vincent; I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you, and I knew immediately that you were the one. Please be my valentine. Claire Williams." He repeated dryly. "Boring" he threw the bag of chocolates in the bin, along with the rest of them. The doctor had always been a no-nonsense person. He preferred the people around him like that too. I told Claire that his favourite colour was green, and I specifically told her not to drag on her note, but apparently she didn't heed my warning.

He glanced at the other bag of chocolates, which were mine. I blushed and looked away, all of a sudden interested in the cabinet of medicine.
"Elise?" He asked in an amused tone. I shook, and a bead of sweat dripped down my forehead. I could feel the cattish stare he was giving me.
"Y-yes, sir?" I replied.
"Why does this have your handwriting?" He questioned, a sly smirk on his lips. I gulped. I forgot to print out the tag instead of hand writing it. Damn my idiocy.
"A friend asked me to write it for them."I lied. I could feel his grin. That mocking, disgusting, beautiful grin, almost as if smiling at a dirty inside joke.
"A shame." he said, unconvinced. "I guess I can throw these away then." He picked up the bag, hovering the frail sweets over the bin teasingly.
"Don't!" I said hastily, before realising what I had said and covering my mouth.

He pulled me over by the waist and leaned in. I backed away, shyly looking to the ground.
"First kiss?" The Doctor asked, smiling gently. I gave a curt nod, face heated and adrenaline rushing through me while butterflies danced in my stomach.
"Want to practice on me?" He suggested, hands reassuringly massaging my back, causing my tender flesh tingle. I glanced up and planted a short, sweet peck on his lips. He smirked.
"Try a liplock. I'll lead." He said. Leaning in closer to me, his smooth pink lips lingering, waiting for me to accept the invitation. Hesitantly, I leaned in, and he closed the gap. It was warm and mawkishly sweet, my lips were burning and my mind exploded. I could feel no emotion on his side of the kiss; as if he had done this a thousand times, but it didn't matter; this was wrong. What if the other teachers found out?

There was no denying though; I loved every bit it.

"Elise, I love you." He breathed, lips smiling, eyes seemingly looking deep into my soul. The wrong part of my soul. My heart fluttered. So I did have a chance, but it was daunting. He never looked too interested at me. It didn't feel... Natural
"Maybe we can meet up here after school so I can teach you..." He gave a sly grin as he said that, eyeing my body.
My face turned a bright red as I fantasised about what would happen.

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