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The sound of skateboard wheels whirling filled the streets as the girl with the blue dip-dyed hair skated down the road to school. Her phone was strapped securely in the waistband of her black skater skirt as it blasted twenty-one pilots through her Beats headphones. Every now and then a Vans Sk8 Hi shoe would hit the ground and propel her forward.

PBWHS starts to become in sight and even less students are gathered around the area. A surprising amount of students have mysteriously began to become sick, and many believe that it's all behind the videos that are becoming so popular. Whatever happens, Danielle knows her mom won't care. She doesn't care about anything but her new boyfriend since Dani's Dad died. His death also had a toll on her mood. Now all the skateboarding girl cares about is being alone, music, and sketching.

The sound of the school bell rings as Danielle shoves her skateboard into her locker, surprisingly it fits.  The whole school day consists of kids showing and gaping over the latest videos of people going crazy and eating police officers. Some people, including herself, are still trying to figure out if they think they're fake or not.


She walked into a nearby Albertson's holding her skateboard to get an Arnold Palmer and some Watermelon Sour Patch Kids. Her phone lit up, signaling a text.

Mom: Headed to Vegas right now. House key's under the mat, take care of house

Danielle: Ok, see ya soon

Her mom was always like this, going places without telling her daughter before hand. She didn't even say 'I love you'.  Whatever, she decides just not to care anymore and grab her food and drink.

Tapping her fingers on the sides of her thighs, she gets in a pretty long checkout lane behind a boy with dark brown, almost black hair that looks around her age. While waiting for a few seconds, a little kid runs into her back and causes Danielle to stumble and drop her Sour Patch Watermelon.

"Sorry!" The little idiot squeaks before joining back with his mom.

"Jesus Christ," Dani mumbles before another voice sparks her attention.

"You dropped this," The boy in front of her states to her, the bag of candy in his outstretched hand. The boy was about a head taller than her, with darker skin, longish hair tucked behind his ears, and a big pretty smile.

"Oh, thank you," the smiling girl said while taking back the bag. "I'm Danielle, or Dani."

"Nice to meet you Dani, I'm Chris," his brown eyes flicker down to my skateboard. "Did you skate all the way here?"

"Yah actually. My mom's always gone with our car so I had to find another way to get to school."

"Well...," he said while getting out a piece of paper and scrawling out some numbers. "If you'd ever like to, I could give you a ride." Chris was next in line.

Dani accepted the phone number. "That would be great, thanks."

"And if you wanted... Maybe next Saturday I could pick you up and we could go watch a movie or something?" He was so shy and nervous looking, that made something in her stomach flutter, like butterflies.

"A movie sounds great," Chris was paying for his snacks as he gave Dani a huge grin. His smiles were really pretty. He waited for her as she paid for her drink and candy. They walked out together before stopping abruptly. Something weird was going on.

Somebody looked like one of those weird things on the videos and was stumbling towards some of the cops. One pulled their trigger and a huge bang rang out over the shopping area. I jumped and  Chris put his arm around my shoulder to make sure I was okay. I looked at him, what was going on? He removed his arm and looked back with the same confused expression I wore.

Suddenly, the police officers opened fire and chaos broke out. People broke off, running in all directions. More cops arrived with riot shields to break up rioters. Chris and I tried to stay together, for we were the only people we knew in the crowd, but it was hard with all the running around us.

"Chris! Chris!" Chris looked out upon the sea of people in front of him until he spotted a man and a woman who appear to be in around their late 30s. Mom and Dad? Yes. The two make a pretty big space between each other as they try to talk to Chris. Divorced? Yes. The two try to leave, taking Chris with them.

"Wait! Dani come with us!" he yells at me. I nod and sprint to try to catch up with Chris and his family.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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Boy with the Camera|Chris Manawa o.hTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang