Chapter 2

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It's been 2 weeks. 2 weeks since I slept for at least 5 hours. 2 weeks of constant change. Interviews, parties, visits, talking about...him. 2 weeks and the nightmares have gotten worse, hence my constant fear of closing my eyes for just 5 minutes because I know every dream I will have will be about him. Every dream will be a reminder of how I survived, how I conquered and fought in order to have 'luxury'. But no, no it's not fair because that boy, the boy I loved- YES loved, is gone because of me. We could've gone down together and preserved what we had but now it's all over. He was smart, corageous, caring, handsome...everything a girl would ever want and need. He could've lived to see his children and grandchildren grow up. He could've married the girl of his dreams, raised a family and died an old, happy man. That's no longer the case though, is it? Sometimes I wish that this is all a dream, all of it and that I will wake up and be in his soft, loving arms again. I wish that I could speak to him for just one day, to say goodbye and tell him, show him how much I really cared for him. Sometimes I even wish that he is still somewhere in this world, living a secluded, healthy life and that he never actually died but rather escaped from these gruesome games. But you know what I always wish for, even the thought makes my stomach twist in a million different ways...I wish I never knew him. I wish I never volunteered and I wish that he never helped me. I wish-

"We have to go, c'mon." Cato exclaimed. We had been invited to a large feast and masquarade ball which we MUST attend. It's required of us as victors. Cato was dressed in a navy, velvet tuxedo with a silver sparkly tie and black, glamarous shoes. He did look very handsome, shame his personality doesn't make up for it! I was wearing a very similar attire only in dress form. A sparkly, navy velvet maxi dress with sparkly stilettos, my hair dyed black, scraped back and tied in a long ponytail, thanks to extensions. I hated the way I had to dress, because no it isn't comfortable and no I never get to wear the same outfit ever again! So what's the point?

"Wait one moment I just gotta-" before I could even finish my sentence Cato snatched my diary and began reading the first line.

"STOP!PLEASE GIVE IT BACK!!" I screeched, grabbing his muscular arms and trying to drag him downwards but alas, I am not strong enough.

"Haha. Fine, fine. Im not interested in what you have to say anyway. I don't care for districts lower than mine..." What a douche. I took my diary and whacked him round the head, although I doubt that caused any harm whatsoever! I soon grabbed by glistening clutch and followed him briskly out of the door. We both waited for the elevator and I was in no mood to strike up a conversation. The elevator finally arrived and we both got in. I stood as far away as possible from him, unfortunately the elevator was quite small and with his large frame we were nearly touching hands.

"Hold my hand," he commanded. What's wrong with him?

"Er no thanks." I scoffed and folded my arms.

"Just do it. Trust me" (SHIA)

"Why would I EVER trust you?" I glared at him, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Because Im sexy and the public loves sexy. If you want people to like you, it wouldn't hurt making it look like you have a thing for me. President Snow might just calm down and maybe forget about the whole "two victors" incident and focus on our relationship. Making people react is the best way to grab attention, and for the best reasons. And no, I don't actually have feelings for you. If you do think I do, you must be out of your mind. You're not my type anyway."

I stared at him like he was out of his mind.

"No why would I ever? There's nothing to like about you so you can keep dreaming..."

But he did have a point. I am disgusted by Cato but he is useful for something. Fine, might as well. He can't harm me right now anyway. He had his hand out willingly and I reluctantly placed my soft palm ontop of his. We clasped our hands together and faced the front of the elevator. I was nervous. REALLY NERVOUS. Time was going so slowly, what was taking so long? My hands were begining to sweat, a lot and Cato didn't look all that comfortable. He looked like he was deep in thought, the left corner of his mouth rotating upwards and his eyes looking up at the ceiling.

"On second thoughts-" He suddenly grabbe my waist and pushed me on the elevator wall and pinned both my arms above my head. Within half a second his lips crashed onto mine and our bodies became one. I had no time to process what just happened until the elevator doors opened briskly, revealing a deafening scream of the people outside, girls, men, women, children and worst of all...the people with the cameras. A swarm of flashing lights engulfed my surroundings and the 'SNAP' of the cameras made my brain jolt.

I opened my eyes in shock and fear. What? Why did he just do that?! I forcefully pushed him away and stormed out, wiping my mouth as much as I could. I started running, don't know where but anywhere away from him. I've never been so humiliated my whole life! He's gonna pay for this, let the games begin.

Hey! So...holy cow it's been nearly a year since I updated! Wow. Im so sorry, I wasn't really sure whether I was going to continue with this fanfic as I kinda lost interest in the topic and stuff :| BUT, I decided to continue, see where it goes. It won't really be very typically 'hunger games', im hoping to slightly steer away from it, still have it as a basis for the story but spice it up a bit with my own ideas and interpretations! I wrote this at 12am in the dark, on my phone so sorry if it's not grammatically correct or if there are a $ht ton of mistakes, I tried!
Thanks for reading and voting! I appreciate it very very much!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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