Chapter 2

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After reading that letter from Caleb,  I went into my room changed into a purple skater dress. Then I sat on my bed for a moment. Caleb won't be here till late and there is nothing to do. I sit and sit. Then I grab my purse and white vans and decide to go somewhere. My go to place is Dunkin Donuts, Caleb and I go there when we are bored or need something good to eat. I get in my car and drive over there. I went through the drive thru and ordered an ice coffee with a jelly donut. I park the car and just sit there and eat it, then decide to kill some time and go shopping.

I walk in the door not realizing I have been out all day. I walk in to the dark living room and drop my keys and hunt for the light switch. All of the sudden I hear something fall in my room. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and carefully walked up the steps. I kicked open the door, and saw the person, pinned them to the floor with the knife to their neck.

"Whoa! Chill Bella!"

"Caleb!?" I say letting go of the knife and him.

"Damn, all I wanted to do was hide in your closet and scare you and I almost die. What a night!" He says standing up.

"I'm so sorry! I have been out all day and yeah, thought someone was kind of robbing my place." I say standing there.

"Ha ha it's fine! You sure can defend yourself that's for sure!" He said hugging me laughing.

"Well yeah, but let me put my stuff away and get ready for surprise number two, well three because you tried to scare me." I say laughing handing him the knife to put away downstairs, he kisses me then leaves. I wash up, and had bought a ring that I really liked, I ripped of the little tag and threw it away in my trash can. When I was throwing it away, I saw a bloody tissue. Which is weird, I don't remember putting that in there, in fact I just took the trash out yesterday. I looked at it again and left it and went down stairs to see Caleb pigging out on my candy.

"I see you have found my candy stash." I laugh.

"Oh yeah, sorry should of asked!" He said opening up a air head.

"No it's okay, what's mine is yours...also I did almost kill you today..." I say grabbing one too.

"This is true." He says with his mouth full.

"Oh Caleb." I say laughing and kiss him.

"Now," He says finishing chewing, "Let's get going!" He takes me hand and gets in the car.

When we arrive he tells me this time I don't have to close my eyes. He gets out and opens my door.

"Here we are my lady."

"This is so pretty." I get out.

"I know, my favorite place on earth. I have come to this lake ever since I was little, with my grandfather. Before he passed, he told me this is where he proposed to my grandmother." He said sitting by a tree.

"That's so sweet." I say holding his hand.

"My grandpa was a sweet man. Ha ha, if he were still here I bet he would love to meet you. He always told me, 'Caleb, you will one day find that special someone just like I found your grandmother. That someone will love you for who you are and never let you go.' And Bella, before I met you, I never knew what was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason, every damn day you give me a reason to smile. Your my special someone." He said brushing the hair out of my face while the wind was blowing. My eyes were watery. He has said things to me before, but this was something that got to me.

"Caleb." I say wiping my tears.

"Bella, I mean every word. My grandpa also told me to surround myself with what makes me happy. That's why I wanted to ask you something. I wanted to ask if you wanted to travel with me. We can get away from the world together. Get lost."He looked into my eyes.

"Come here," I say hugging him tight, "Yes! I'd love to travel, spend every second with you, every moment." I smile. Then he leans over and kisses me. He makes me feel so special. And now, knowing I am going to spend every second with him makes me so happy. It's not being in love that makes me happy. It's being in love with him.

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