Chapter 8

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I rolled over to find myself laying in a bed with Caleb, he somehow got me in the hotel and I have no idea how he did that.

"Good morning my beautiful Bella." He rolled over and kissed my forehead. I rub my eyes and look at him.

"Good morning Caleb." I say smiling.

"You're so beautiful when you are sleeping." He said messing with my hair.

"So you were stalking me while I was sleeping huh?" I say playfully and lightly punch him.

"Yes in fact I was." He grinned then all of the sudden his nose started bleeding.

"Get up Caleb! Here I'll get a towel!" I say running to the bathroom.

"Bella, Bella! It's okay. Just a nose bleed." He says getting up to grab tissues.

"I don't want anything to happen to you, that's all." I say handing him the towel and then I sit back on the bed. He cleans himself up.

"I'll be okay. I promise you." He pats my back.

"I'm going to shower while we are here." I get up and head towards the bathroom again.

"Good, you stink!" He shouted after me and laughed.

After my shower I had thrown on some clean clothes and cleaned up my appearance. I walk out and see Caleb sitting on the bed watching tv.

"You look always my dear. Now, you ready to go?" He said standing up gathering stuff.

"Lets go." I say. Then we take our stuff and head down the hall and find our way out. He looks at me.

"You aren't mad at me, are you?" He says putting stuff in the back of the car.

"I'm not mad." I say getting in and putting my seatbelt on.

"Yes you are. You act like such a baby when your mad." He said getting in.

"I am not a baby." I say turning away.

"Women." He says rolling his eyes. Then begins to talk again.

"If it's about earlier, I promise I'm going to be okay. Please Bella. I want us to have fun. Now, what do ya wanna do princess?" He looks at me and starts the car. I cannot stay upset at him.

" I love you. And we should go to an amusement park!" I say beginning to be in a much better mood.

"I love you too! And good idea." He said smiling and started to pull off.

"Google the closest one." He said to me.

"Okay, says we have 2 hours till we hit the next one. Here, I'll turn my phone up so you can here the directions." I say smiling.

"Glad to see my girl in a better mood." He winked and we were off to the amusement park!

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