Chapter 29

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[a/n: pls don't h8 me]

I don't know what to do.

Jordan just kissed me then walked out like nothing happened. Not to mention that he nearly killed my face. What am I going to say to Ari?

Some random dude beat the shit out of me?

Ari won't buy it. She knows that I would've protected myself from harm.

But I couldn't this time.

Jordan may be stronger than I. I hate to admit that, but it is possibly true.

Anyways, he just kissed me.

I felt nothing.

No sparks. No butterflies in my stomach.


The only thing I felt was pain in my face. I'm scared to even look in the mirror. I sat up. My head was madly pounding. It was like a migraine, but worse. I can't go out with bruises all over my face and probably two black eyes!

Jordan hit pretty hard...

I don't want to go out at all. I'm hurt and I'm scared. This is a rare moment.

I am scared.

I slowly stood up off my bed and walked over to my windows. It was cloudy out. I looked down at the spot anger classes meet at to see that a class was going on. I spotted Grover. He was looking around. Possibly for me.

I sighed. I might as well get this over with. I will get looks from everyone.

What if Jordan talks to me? I surely don't want to talk to him. Not after what just happened.

I put on a black hoodie and pulled the hood over my head before walking out of my room and downstairs. I walked into the cafe. Not a lot of people were here. I made my way over to the back doors.

That's when something strange happened.

Images appeared in my head over and over again. It was like a vision. Only it wasn't good.

It was murder. Chaos. Screams. Fire.

I wanted to scream, but I don't want attention. I just rubbed my eyes in hope that the images would go away. I walked out the back door and over to the spot where we met at. I began to get dizzy. Smith noticed.

"Woah, Tom? You okay buddy?"

I nodded, but that only made my headache hurt even more. With the help of Grover, I sat down on the grass. He sat beside me with a worried look on his face.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Grover asked.

"Positive." I replied in a scratchy voice. I jumped. Why was my voice scratchy?

"Tom," Smith began. "could you please take your hood off?"


"Because I would like to see your face while I talk to you."

I hesitated before pulling the hood off. Everyone gasped. Well, everyone except Kate.

"Syndy, did ye get into a fight?"


"Did ye win?"

"Kate, leave him be. I'm sure Tom didn't get into a fight. He probably got into a accident." Smith cut in. He turned to me. "You did get into an accident, correct?"

"Uh..Yeah.." My voice was getting lower. I tried to clear my throat, but that only made matters worse.

I ended up pulling the hood back over my head. My headache was getting worser.

Smith was talking about something, but I couldn't hear because of the loud whispers. Why is everyone whispering to each other?

"Guys..stop whispering.."

Smith looked at me weirdly. He started to talk to me, but the whispers were too loud for me to even hear a thing. I began to get dizzy again. Everything was weird and spinning.

I didn't like it.

It was cold. Very cold. I started to shake. I looked at my arms. They were shaking violently.

That was the last thing I saw before everything went dark.

Remember me?


i am back. a lot of shit has been going on and i am stressed.

about my friend?

she's not dead. rumors were spread and i was told that she was gone. i cried myself to sleep when i was told that she died. then when i woke up i see a text from her and i was confused as hell and she explained it all. i was so happy she was alive. i was so mad about the rumors spread that i started to cry.

i am a wreck.

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